17|Fluffy Pancakes

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Last night was the first time the couple had genuinely good sex in years.

The woman was enthralled. She has finally won him over after all of the pain she has caused for both of them. And she adored her husband and would always love him. He completed her. 

"Do you want to make me some breakfast?" The woman whispers next to her sleeping lover. The man yawns and wraps his arm around her slim waist. 

"Breakfast?" The man mumbles, still obviously sleepy. "We never eat breakfast."

The lady chuckles and tilts her head upwards, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. "You know, it's been more than five years since you made me a delicious breakfast! So, hurry up and head downstairs to whip up something tasty."

          "You know what? Breakfast actually sounds good right now," he murmured, wrapping his arms around his wife's slim waist. 

          With a contented sigh, the woman nestled closer to her husband, enjoying the warmth of their embrace. She could hear the birds chirping outside, adding a symphony of nature to their intimate moment. In the depths of time, the woman's heart yearned for a tender and intimate moment with the man, a longing that persisted for years on end. 

And she finally had it again. 

          After a few moments of comfortable silence, the man broke it by asking, "What would you like for breakfast, my love?" 

The woman laughed softly, the sound like a gentle breeze in the room. "Extra fluffy pancakes with fresh strawberries, please. And a side of bacon." 

           He chuckled in response, the sound deep and rich. 

"Pancakes it is. I'll make sure they're the fluffiest you've ever had." Their laughter filled the room, a melody of love and shared moments as they began their new day together.


The lady sat at the kitchen table with a small smile on her face, her beautiful brown hair cascading down her shoulders like a shimmering waterfall. 

Her husband, looking handsome as ever with his dark brown hair and dreamy brown eyes as he stood by the stove cooking pancakes and bacon. 

Their daughter Julia also joined them, bubbling with excitement at the prospect of having a proper breakfast. She had been so used to having cheerios or yogurt in the morning, since her parents weren't breakfast enthusiasts. Consequently, she hadn't yet experienced the joy of eating her first pancake. The anticipation was overwhelming for her.

 "Pancakes and bacon are done!" the man declared with victory, presenting a big plate of his gorgeous creation.

"Mmmmm, looks delicious," the woman said with a smile. "You need to make pancakes every morning, baby."

"I want pancakes now! I'm starving!" Julia pouted, crossing her arms. "That took forever, daddy!"

The woman chuckled at her daughter's adorable impatience. She saw so much of herself in the little girl.

"Easy there, baby girl. Or no pancakes ever again!" the lady teased, taking the plate from her husband and centering it on the table.

As they ate breakfast, Julia looked up at her parents with innocence in her eyes. "Daddy, why are you and mommy happy? Are you going to fight again soon?" she asked.

The woman's heart clenched at the question, but she quickly composed herself. Leaning over, she hugged Julia tightly and whispered, "We're never going to fight again, baby." She showered her daughter's cheeks with kisses until Julia giggled.

          "These are the best pancakes ever!" Julia exclaims, hopping off the chair. She was ready to play with her barbies already. 

         "What about the bacon, sweetheart?" The man asks, taking another bite from his pancake. 

           Julia halts in her tracks and spins around to look at her dad, grinning awkwardly. "Hmm, those were definitely...interesting!" Then the little girl giggles uncontrollably and races off to her room.

 The woman giggles and playfully nudges her husband's elbow. "Looks like our little girl has already developed her own taste buds. Maybe she's more of a sweet-tooth person. Or did you just misinterpret 'crispy' with 'charred'?"

         The man shoots her a mock offended look and meets her gaze with a twinkle in his eyes. "Are you seriously questioning my bacon-cooking skills? Maybe you need to get your taste buds checked. Are you high or something? Are you on crack again?"

His wife bursts into a genuine, heartfelt laugh. It's a sound that fills the room with warmth and joy, a sound that hasn't graced their home in far too long.


After breakfast, Jason turned to Nelly with a soft smile. "Why don't I take the day off today? We hardly spend Saturdays together anymore," he suggested.

Nelly's eyes welled up with tears of joy as she ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. "I would love that," she hummed, grateful for this moment of peace and love.

Though Nelly knew that this side of Jason would not last, she couldn't help but be completely enamored with him. Her amazing husband.

You'd better enjoy this moment while it lasts. She thinks to herself, while Jason hugged her back with his strong but gentle arms. 

Author's Note: Yep, I finally revealed their names. And no, this is not the end of the book. More chapters to come soon! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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