Inside Out

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Confusion at its finest.

Sadness at its lowest.

Jealousy nowhere in sight,

But Anger came in wanting the fight.

Dependency is stuck in one place.

Fright snuck in as usual.

Old Ways looks bitter and tempting.

New Growth looks restless and eager.

Happiness seems well and yet small.

Confidence is the belle of the ball.

Acceptance keeps running away

And Change is its monster.

Agitation wants to be alone.

Bored is quiet,

But longing to find a home.

Disgust wants no part of anything.

Determination was not satisfied to hear that.

Lethargy is tired and never knows why.

Different and alike.

Many and natural.

They all need each other

None can thrive without the other.

Revisiting my thoughts: Poem from within [Vol 4] *RE-EDITS IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now