When will I get that break?

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Aren't things supposed to get worse before they get better?

Ignored and hurt.

This feel chokes me hard like leather.

Bruised and silenced.

Common signs of upcoming rainy weather.

Confused and sad.

It's a regular Thursday morning.

I wake up from bed guilty.

I could have done more,

But maybe tomorrow will open yellow doors.

Maybe today I'll even find its yellow brick path.

Causing smiles to circle back around.

Just because I don't have enough of what

made me feel powerful before,

Does not mean I am powerless.

Useless is the one that makes themselves weak;

Small against any wall.

Upon the arrival of better,

I will do what I can to calm my inner storms.

To hold captive every stronghold.

Living another day is the goal.

Not only just physically,

But also, internally.

Revisiting my thoughts: Poem from within [Vol 4] *RE-EDITS IN PROGRESS*Where stories live. Discover now