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Italic - flashbacks/ memories
Underline - is narrator
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Chapter 1: you sold me?!

It was a normal Friday night in Japan, people were out partying or gambling, just enjoying the night

-3rd pov-

While others were enjoying the night, Kay was at home with her younger sister, Sunny

"Sis, do you know where our parents went?" Sunny asked the eldest sister while she got snacks from the pantry "No not really, but they say that they will come back soon"

Kay replied as her eyes stayed on the screen, the movie was quite boring for her... it's not something that she would watch but it's fine cause Sunny picked it

Sunny finally came back to the living room with her snack

"Took you long enough" Kay mumbled under her breath, Sunny rolled her eyes and sat on the couch

-Kay's pov-

I felt the couch sunken beside me, I looked to my side and saw my sister eating, I leaned back against the couch and let out a sigh

"sun...what do you think about Japan?"

That question caught her off guard "Umm, we just moved here but I like it, I even made new friends at school" Sunny said happily with a smile

That made me smile, I was happy that she liked it here "Do you like it?" her voice snapped me out of my thoughts

"I do... it's different but I like it, I wonder what type of job Dad has for us to move out here.." I whispered the last part to myself

I picked up my phone and checked the time "damn it's late...we should sleep soon" I looked over at her, she stop eating and nodded her head

I was happy that she agreed with me cause this movie was getting boring and I didn't want to watch it anymore

Sunny yawned and stretched out her arms "Tired?" I asked she nodded her head, I got up and started the put away the snacks and drinks

"You can go to bed, I'll do the cleaning," I told her as I walked into the kitchen "Good night" I heard her say before shuffling to her room

I continued with the cleaning until I heard my phone, I thought it was my parents so I checked my phone to only see another new report about the Nishimura Family

"Oh... it's them...again..." I shook my head and let out a sigh

I finished the cleaning and went towards my room, I was too tired to do anything and it was late

I got into the comfort of my bed and fell asleep

-3rd pov-

Meanwhile, Mr & Mrs. Win were just coming back from the casino

The car was silent until Mrs. Win spoke up "Do we have to do this?" she asked her husband "..." Mr. Win didn't know how to reply to his wife

His eyes were kept on the road as his grip tightened on the steering wheel, the memories overflowed his thoughts


"You can pay us back by letting your eldest daughter marry my son," Mr. Nishimura said before ordering whiskey

Mr. Win's eyes widened in shock "I-I can't, my daughter is too young to get married" his voice quivered

"Why not? Your daughter is only a year younger than my son, I don't see anything wrong with that"

Mr. Nishimura leaned back against his seat and took a sip "If you let your daughter marry my son, you'll be out of debt and I'll even give you an extra 100 million yen"

That made Mr. Win think, he would be out of debt and would get money but his daughter had to get married off

The silence made Mr. Nishimura smirk, he placed his glass down and leaned forward "So do we have a deal?"

Mr. Nishimura put his hand out for Mr. Win to shake, Mr. Win paused and thought before shaking Mr. Nishimura's hand

-end of flashback-

Soon Mr. & Mrs. Win came home, they saw that all the lights were off so they knew that their daughters were asleep

-Time skip-

It was already the next morning, Mr. & Mrs. Win were in the kitchen having breakfast

-Kay's pov-

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock "Ugh... shut up" I groaned and threw my pillow at the alarm clock

I didn't want to get up but I knew that I had to cause my mother would get on my ass, I took my blanket off, feeling the chilly air against my body

I let out a sigh before going to my bathroom to do my morning routine before leaving my room and going to the kitchen

I entered the kitchen and saw my parents "Good morning" I mumbled as I opened the fridge to get milk for my cereal

I didn't hear a response from either of my parents...


"Mom... Dad... did something happen?" I asked while I poured the milk into my bowl of cereal "No sweetie-" my father was cut off by my mother

"Yes... something did happen" My mother said, I could tell that she was telling the truth by the tone of her voice

I placed the milk carton down before looking at them "Sweetie don't get mad but me and your father are in debt with the Nishimura Family"

I thought I was hearing things, what is my mom talking about? In debt with the Nishimura's? I looked over at my father but only to see that his head was down

"And the only way to pay out the debt was to let you marry the son of the Nishimura"

My heart dropped, getting married? I'm only 18 and haven't graduated from high school yet

"You're lying... right?" but I didn't get a response from my parents, and tears started to form in my eyes

"Sweetie... we're sorry-" I quickly cut my father off "Sorry? You're sorry? You sold me off to get married to some stranger to get out of debt?!" I yelled, I never thought that my parents would do this

I felt so betrayed by my parents, I didn't believe that they did this

"I need some time alone" I quickly left the room and went straight to my room, I couldn't be near them right now

-Mr. Win pov-

I watched my daughter storm out of the kitchen and into her room, I was disappointed with myself

"Honey... it's okay" my wife told me as she rubbed my shoulder, I nodded my head but I still felt guilty

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