F O R T Y - T W O

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Alex's POV

I forced a smile onto my face as I approached my girlfriend's door. Putting on a mask wasn't new to me, so I didn't have any problem in doing so. I knocked on her door a few times, stepping away as I waited for her to unlock the door. The door knob slowly turned and I was met with her sickly sweet smile as she tightly clung to me. She reeled me into the room and shut the door, whipping her head around to look at me.

"I missed you, babe." She quietly said. This wasn't an innocent type of quietness. No, this was the calm before the storm. I just knew it. I could feel shivers run through my body as I prepared for thunder and lightning to strike.

"I missed you, too." I lied. I didn't miss her. In fact, I didn't want anything to do with her.

"Come sit with me on my bed." Eva said, taking my hand and leading me to her room. I saw a brown leather journal face down on her bed. She picked it up and set it on her pillow before having me sit down. She got on the bed and wrapped her arms around me from behind, kissing my neck then moving up to my cheek.

"You know we've practically been together forever, right?" She pondered. I nodded slowly, feeling confusion settle as I tried to understand where she was going with the conversation.

"You know that I love you and you love me, right?" Eva asked.

I looked down at my hands and let out a sigh, "...yes."

The next few minutes were silent as Eva kept kissing my cheek. She even ran her hands through my hair, making sure that every strand was in place.

"Then tell me what Violet was doing at your cabin and why you kissed her..." She whispered in my ear. I looked up with wide eyes, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I swiftly stood up from the bed in fear, staring into Eva's dark eyes. I could tell she was livid, and she will make sure that I knew it. She wasn't supposed to know about that. I ransacked my mind, wondering if I had ever slipped up and said something to her.

"What are you talking about?" I carefully asked. Eva gave me a frenzied look and picked up the brown journal from her pillow, throwing it at my chest. I caught it, looking at the pages. Sure enough, I could tell it was Violet's handwriting. I skimmed through the page the book was opened on and saw the sentence that changed everything.

I know I'm young and barely know what I want in life, but I know for a fact that I've fallen in love with Alex.

"And apparently, she loves you. Wow..." Eva scoffed as if she knew the exact sentence I just read. I read the sentence again, taken aback by Violet's confession. She loves me? Did the kiss really mean that much to her?

"Listen, don't blame Violet. It was my fault. I'm the one who kissed her." I said, closing the journal. Eva got up from the bed and walked up to me. She used all of her might to slap me across the face. The slap was so hard it stung! I then touched my face to my hand and saw a trickle of blood as I realized she had scratched me as well. Anger boiled to the surface at the realization that I was done being pushed around. The love I had for Eva had evaporated and I felt like I could hit her back in that moment. I dropped the journal on her desk, balling both hands into fists. She was about to make me do something I would've never imagined. If I chose to hit her, she'd instantly be the victim even though I suffered through her reign of terror for years.

Like an animal finally being released from a cage, she started to come full force at me, letting out her rage by punching me repeatedly in the stomach, face, and arms. I almost got the wind knocked of me but I grabbed both of her hands to keep her from hitting me again. She then resorted to kicking me.

"Let me go!" She shrieked, trying her best to wriggle out of my grip. She screamed as loud as she could at the top of her lungs.

"Stop it!" I said in a hushed tone. On cue, Eva stopped screaming and relaxed her body, giving me the blankest stare ever. I released her, keeping my hands up to defend myself in case she tried anything.

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