F I F T Y - N I N E

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Raymond didn't move from his spot all day except for a few times to go to the bathroom. I sat in my spot across from his desk, going through the last of the poems. I happily tapped the paper, humming a random tune. I actually felt productive today even though I was given busy work. I looked at the time on my phone which read 4:50 PM. A smile found its way to my face the closer I was getting to finishing day one of my internship. I continued tapping, my humming getting louder. I looked up at Raymond to see him already looking at me with the same annoyed look on his face. He didn't even need to talk, I could already tell what he was thinking.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"Are you finished?" Raymond asked, putting his pen down. I nodded, showing him the poems. He flipped through them, skimming his eyes through what I wrote. His squinted eyes softened and he nodded.

"Not bad," he said in monotone. "You can go."

I sat in my spot, wondering if I heard him correctly. He shooed me away, basically repeating himself a second time.

"Aren't you off at 5 too?" I asked.

"Don't worry about what I'm doing or when I'm leaving. You're good to go." He countered, pointing to the door. Not wanting to set him off even more, I slung my purse around my shoulder and left his office, closing the door behind me. I looked to my left and right, trying to remember where the direction of the elevator was. I guessed that it was to my left so I started out in that direction. My prediction was right as I saw the familiar silver door waiting for me.

Once I stepped off the elevator on the first floor, I walked outside, seeing my internship transportation and Alex's car both parked outside the company. Wait... My eyes widened as I saw Alex emerging from his car and walking up to the sidewalk. I smiled, running down the stairs and coming full force at him. He caught me in his arms, wrapping his arms around my waist and twirling me around as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I smashed my lips against his as if I was held hostage and was in dire need of human interaction.

After pulling away, Alex put me down. I was delighted to see him! He cupped my face, giving me another kiss. This was such a nice contrast compared to his brother.

"Hey, sweetheart." He greeted.

"Hi! Did you come all this way to pick me up?" I asked, batting my eyelashes.

"Of course I did. I want you to tell me all about your first day." He replied, looking into my eyes. I walked over to the internship driver and told him that I'd be going with Alex. He understood, smiling at me before fixing his cap and getting in the car, driving away. I walked back over to Alex, who opened the passenger door for me. I got in, getting comfortable in my seat. Alex got in his spot and started on the road.

"So, tell me how was it?" He asked, glancing over at me. I sighed, diving right into the eventful day.

"Well, I first met with the owner of the company, who's a friend of Professor Winston. He's really nice and even told me to call him by his first name. I literally didn't expect to be on a first name basis with him already! I felt comfortable with him even though I was pretty nervous at first," I started. My words were strewn together because I wasn't giving myself time to breathe. Alex nodded, listening to me intently.

"He had me work with Raymond today in the poetry section and uh...that was pretty interesting." I added, looking at his reaction. Alex glanced over at me.

"Interesting..." He trailed, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I nodded. I didn't want to say anything bad about Raymond but I wanted to allude to the fact that he didn't exactly make the experience "fun" today.

"Yeah I thought it was interesting that Raymond works there. You never told me he did." I said, opting for a more nicer approach with my words.

"I didn't know he worked there. He always told me he worked for a construction company. I only knew he wrote poetry on the side." Alex responded. Hmmm, I wondered why Raymond kept that a secret. I didn't think it was something to be embarrassed about or hide.

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