chapter eight (part two)

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She was tied to a bar stool,her face was all beaten up. Blood coming from her nose and mouth. Her bottom lip was split open on the left side,and her left eye was closed and the discolouration of her caramel skin colour was starting to turn blue purplish colour.

The guy that took me from my room through me hard against the metal bar stool bringing me back to reality, he tied my hands behind my back and was about to go to my feet when I took the opportunity to kick him square in the face with the ball of my foot. I could hear the sound of bone cracking. Blood started coming from it, his blue eyes held furry. He took his big muscular hands and slapped me,he then asked someone else to tie my feet so that he would clean his bloody nose up. I tried to do the same to him but another came and held my thighs down so that they can tie my feet.

I tried moving

I tried breaking the cable ties but it was no use.

The hair at the back of my neck stood up and not on a good way but in a bad. You now you get that feeling when shits about to hit the fan,that's the feeling I got.

I felt a warm breath against my neck and then soft words were spoken into my ears.
"cio annalisia"

He knew my name.

This stranger knew my name.

He came from behind me and stood infront of me. His muscular physic was on dispaly, with his black long sleeve t-shirt which clung to his body like a second skin. He stood infront of me with confidence, and his caramel skin colour held a slight tan to it with his grey eyes baring into me, the hatred showing clearing in his eyes and so was the scowl on his face.

"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time now Bella" he says with a slight smirk on his face.

"my name is,alessio,but everybody call me Al"

He bends down to my level as I'm sitting in the chair and he asks me.

What does these men want with us?

"So I'm going to ask you nicely were is it?"his voice sounded so gentle, so loving, so careing but his eyes he'll evil in them and his body language spoke other wise too. I had now idea what he was talking about but when I didn't give him an answer he shot up from his crouching position and punched me in the face, the blow from earlier was less painful than this. This blow made my head shift to the one side.

I looked up to look in his eyes and for the first time my voice could not respond with my brain.

"I...I don't know what your talking about!"I was stuttering like crazy,my throat felt dry,my face was staring to swell, and this I could feel.

" You see...what I had to do to you,"his voice held furry but he took a deep breath before speaking again." That what I had to do  just now was so uncalled for Bella and i dont want to do that again,so please just give me what I want...So again, were is it?"

"I...I...d...on't know what...what your talking about...we are just waiters "tears stared coming down my face,and my cheek was swelling and swelling.
When I said that he when off.

"don't play dumb,you bitch..."


"...were is it?"


"I asked were is it...?" blow after blow I could feel myself drifting off. And everytime when I
"go look for it,toss everything" he pointed to his men that stood behind me.

Ever time he would ask me I would say the same thing.
"what are you taking 'bout?,you... You have...have the wrong apartment..." and he would punch me in the face then in the ribs now and again he would alternate his punches
Every time he would beat me rosie would squirm In here seat,she would try to kick and scream a bit, but he would just hit her too. It felt like an eternity but it was just an half and hour the beating to my body has been going on.

"for the last time..." I could see the furry in his eyes but this look,this look was way deadlier that the other ones.
"were is the fucken boo..."his sentence was interrupted when the door flew of its hinges. Three men came walking in, without any care in the world the leading man looked so familiar to me.

The guy that took me from my room was the first one to pounce on the one leading the pack. The leading man looked calm and collective,he looked to me and his black orbs scared me but in a wired way it made me feel safe. Effortless he punched the guy square in the face. The guy that took me fumbled to the back,and too tripped over his own feet,he backed away so that the other men could attack the one that made me feel safe.

He walked over to rosie and untied her,the other two men that came with him was on fire. Every punch and every kick was carefully executed,they were kicking the intruders ass.

Once he was done untying rosie,he was about to come to me when alessio came from behind with a see-threw plastic bag and put it around his face and started smothering him with it.

I was wiggling, I tried to break the cable ties. Seeing this man getting hurt,made my heart break. As the mystery man was being smothered, my  breath was becoming slightly shallow. It felt like my lungs was not co-operating with my body or brain. It would go away and come back again but I didn't understand nothing was being done to me just the guy in front of me.

As I was trying to thrust and wiggle and move out of the bar stool  to help him but the restraints wouldn't budge. And as my breath was bring stollen from me in some way,the guy hit alessio with is elbow in his ribs, he did this till alessios grip loosed a little and he took the opportunity to take the bag of his face and get so air. His breathing was hollow almost like mine was a second ago that weird. Just a second ago I was struggling to find my breath,to get some oxygen in my lungs. He turned around and kneed him in the face,alessio fell to the floor.

I looked on the floor and rosie was laying on it trying to get up,the guy came to me and undid my cable ties with his bare hands. He came to my feet and the slight touch of his fingers grazed my bare feet. Sparks corsed through my body,and I could feel my bruised face was turning a slight red. He looked up into my eyes, and they were the most beautiful black orbs I've ever seen. Now I know we're I've seen him before he saved me from my crazy drunk sperm donor. He gave me a smirk like he knew, I knew who he was. Our little moment was interrupted, with a scream.


I looked up and the guy turned around. The sight infront of me almost made my heart jump out of my chest it was alessio with a knife around rosie's neck.

"I tried to be nice. To tried to obey his orders but since you don't want to tell me the true and give me the location of it..." he looked me in the eye and then at the mystery guy and gave him a smile.

A smile like he was going to do something sinister.

And the he did it.

He slit rosie's throat in front of me.

"no" I screamed.

Velvet blood was oozing from her neck, my breathing was fast,I got up and ran to her. Alessio tried to run out of the fire escape but the mystery guy was infront of alessio so fast and snapped his neck and threw him to one side of the room.

I screamed and screamed. Tears was streaming down my face. My bruised face made the tears sting my face. I shacked her awake, I tried to stop the bleeding nothing happened, rosie just laid there not moveing.

I don't know what happened next but darkness over came me.


Hope you guys like it.


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