Chapter five

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Outside it was freezing cold,I pulled my coat more firmly against me. It was quite and dark out too. The only light was from the lamp post and the glistening of the full moon.

My sneaker were the only sound against the pavement. The winds speed started to increase, it started to blow my hair all over my face,so I tide my brown hair out of my face to I can actually see were I'm going.

The walk home was quite,and lonely. The walk home was a release from all the stress these few weeks,but it's okay I wanted this job, no I needed this job. I didn't want the burden of the rent and our bills on rosie alone,it kind of been four years since I've done nothing but increase the electric and water bill and even the rent.

I was so lost in thought,that I didn't notice the foot steps behind me. By the time I did I was flung over the person shoulder. I kicked and screamed but of course there is no one outside or insite.

The next thing I now I'm being flung back against a brick wall. My head flops against the wall, and the impact whipped it to and fro from the wall. The impact will surely bruise my back too. I tried to look around but what I could see was I was in an aller way.All the thoughts I thought while walking down the street was nothing compared to this,it felt like my life was at stake,my life being flashed before my eyes,not that it will be the first time that it was.

I looked at the person responsible for this act.

It was a man

A man that couldn't be described as a human being or can even be called a man. His light brown eyes staring at my darker shade of brown,his slightly long blond-brown beaded. His breathing on me is rapid in my ears,his heart beat to me was like I could hear it.

A man that looked like a destruction to not only to himself but everyone around home.

A very ,very scary man,a man that would hunt for me till I had no breath in my body till.

Till I have my last moment on earth looking in his eyes,looking into a sycopaths eyes.

A man that would do anything to see me seven feet under ground.

My father.

"hello, dear daughter of mine" I felt so sick to my stomach. How did he find me,I made sure to erase any records from the child welfare system that had me in it, even a mention of my name and it was erased.

"I missed you,dear daughter of mine" putting his lips only an inch away from my ear, talking into it breathing into it. His hands either side of my head against the brick wall.

I couldn't answer him,the bil In my throat was a big to big to even speech. I felt so disgusted with myself that this man's genes is in me.

A stone hard killer.

A worthless piece of shit.

A dead beat dad.

A drunk and an abusive fuck.

"why did you run away from me" I just stared at him.

His hands came around my neck and squeeze it and squeezed and squeezed till I almost lost conciseness. I tried to fight him off,I beat his chest with my fist, I kicked,I tried to scream,I even tried to breath but he kept on squeezing and squeezing.

"How could you do this to me" he says to me as I'm about to lose conciseness,I gave up on trying to fight him off of me.

"I loved you,and your mother but because of you she left...because of you. You ungrateful whoer." my existence was slowly slipping away,and this man's voice was the last thing I would hear before I die.

The next thing I know his being thrown away from me. I can breath,I tell myself but it still seems as if his hands is around my neck. My rescure walked over to my dad and bent down to him on the ground and whispered something in his ear the stranger straightend and waited till he got up and ran from the aller way and well parsly limped.

The shove that the stranger gave must have been hard.

When reality set in,I stared to panic. My breath started to quicken,my heart beat sped up and my chest was tight really tight. I felt like I was deprived of oxygen,my eyes started to drop close. I put my hand over my heart to steady my breathing but it didn't help,my breathed just quickened and quickened.

I was lifted of the ground by the stranger in a bridal grip,my hands automatically went around his neck and my head against his broad chest. When this happens my heart beat slowed to normal,the goosebumps forming on my arms and the blush on my face was a sign of me being turned on.

He opened his car and placed me on the passenger seat and buckled me in. The he then rounded the car and got in and driven of.

We didn't speak,nor did he ask me where we were going,we just drove. I was partly out of it but I had to see how my hero looked. Although it was dark in the car,the only light was from the lamp post besides the street shining in. I could see the scowl on his face,which was also mixed with anger I think Im not sure. My feelings towards this stranger is unreal.

The car came to a stop,the stranger came a round the car to the car to the passenger side,he picked me again bridal style up and we walked up to what I thing was my and roses apartment.


Shit I forgot about her,if she finds out that father found me she's going to flip. And the stranger How am I going to explain a hot guy that I don't even no the name of.We enter the elevator,but I try to be his face again but nothing. I can't even keep my eyes open,my eyes is fighting Marco polo.

The stranger places me on my couch, how did I not hear or feel him open they door.

"you okay"holy mother Mary. His voice was like an angel, so angelic and so strong yet so gentle. But I just noded.

I look at his face for the first time,it's the most beautiful thing that I've ever seen.

His olive toned skin was amazing in the apartment light,his jawline was straight or angular. His eyes was the first thing that I saw,it may have looked like black orbitals but to me it looked like a save haven. But it had so much hurt behind it,so much anger. His face was like a expression magnet,you could tell by just looking at him, the kind of mood he was in.

My bottom lip came voluntarily between my teeth when my scan came to his lips. Although it was in a painful twist,it was slightly red and full.

"since your okay,I'm going to leave"he just gave a nod and walked to the door.

My mouth spoke the words before my brain even thought of it.

"what's your... Name" I was trembling. Why was I trembling.

He was partly out the door when he answer over his shoulder.

"me" I just noded.

"I'm gianluca berlucci"

"and I'm..." before I could finish he interrupted me.

"I know Bella,goodevening" and with that he walked out the door.

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