The Fever part 1

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It was morning, you were busy in the kitchen preparing a big thank you breakfast for everyone, since Namami would be going away to an overnight school trip and Tomoe would be going with her you thought to do something nice for them before they leave. Everyone was seated and eating, except Tomoe has not come out of his bedroom yet and you were starting to worry what if he is still mad at you and didn't want to bring you back. These thoughts were going through your mind until you had enough and marched to his room, you knocked three times with no answer before you decided to go in. There still asleep was Tomoe but something seemed off as you neared him you notice he was sweating and when you put a hand on his forehead it felt unusually hot that's when you concluded that the little fox has a fever, it must have happened last night when he came to save you.

It was now afternoon Namami has already left for her school trip with Mizuki accompany her, you were busy cleaning the shrine it was a bit hard with the shoulder, but you manage when suddenly Tomoe came busting out of his room yelling "Namami I overslept I do apologize, we can now depart for you school trip" he came out seeing only you "she left already with Mizuki, your sick and should go back to bed" I said with a straight face seeing the sweating fox standing there "Don't be ridicules a yokai doesn't get the common flue" he said I stood up and put my hand to his forehead "still warm, now go back to bed" I said to the stubborn fox "No I will not my lady needs me to be at her side not some snake to protect her" he said crossing his arms and turning away that's it, I grab the nearest thing which was a broom and knock him over the head, a bit drastic I know, but his was out like a light. I didn't think this through as I drag his heavy body to his room and throw him on his bed, but I landed beneath him looking at his vulnerable face was really adorable he is quite handsome...wait what, no get these perverted thoughts out of your head girl, I manage to roll him over and stood up if I remember correctly leek soup is the best for sick people and Namami once said that Tomoe really likes bamboo rice cakes, alrighty after I put a cold towel on his forehead and took his temperature I made my way to the kitchen and start preparing the meal.

Tomoe pov

I couldn't forget how she put her hand on my forehead it felt so soft and gentle, feeling the blush return to my warm cheeks it is so frustrating, wait didn't she knock me out? This causes me to sit up really fast and now I feel a bit dizzy I felt something fell on my lap I look down to see a damped towel she must have put it there I thought and couldn't stop myself for smiling that after all I have done to her she is still willing to take care of me. I was about to stand up when the door open and a awful smell reached my nose there standing in the door way was (Y/N) with a tray she put it down with a smile "And how are you feeling" she asked "Better" I responded while eyeing the nightmarish concoction on the night stand "I made you some leek soup and some bamboo rice cakes, eat up I will check on you later" she said before standing up taking my temperature on last time before leaving. I pick up the tray looking at the poorly made rice cakes that seemed more like destruction weapons rather than food and then I saw the soup it was bubbling I turned blue it's not suppose to do that doesn't that woman know how to cook? Is she out to get revenge on me or is this how she thinks soup should look like, I keep asking myself these questions before I realized "she only knows how to make breakfast or bake she doesn't know how to make anything else, she really is only trying to help" I thought as I manned up and tasted the soup before spitting it out again "No way this is not food"  I said before trying one of the rice balls and hurting my tooth "it is illegal to call this food" I said while holding my cheek now with an aching tooth.

(Y/N) came back a while later noticing I didn't eat the soup and looked kinda disappointed "Are you too sick to eat should I feed you?" she asked I got a sweat drop, that's her conclusion I sign before answering her "No yokai's don't eat human food we only eat special food that can only be gotten at the world over yonder" I said better a lie that to hurt her feelings "Oh I'm sorry now you are hungry and not feeling well I don't know what to do anymore" she said as she sat on the edge of my bed I felt bad for her and was about to reach out when she jumped up "I got it, don't worry Tomoe I will make you feel better" she said and ran out of the room, I just stared after her wondering what's gotten in to her.

Your pov

I ran out of his room and found just who I was looking for the two shrine sprits "I need one of you to take me to the world over yonder so I can get medicine for Tome" I said very fast, they just looked at me before going into a panic mode "No we can't it is a dangerous place for humans to travel to" Onikiri said "yes and Master Tome will not like us to take you there even if he is sick" Kotetsu said "I don't care he is sick and in desperate need of food and medication now one of you take me there now" I said with determination "Very well lady (Y/N) I will take you, but you must stay at my side at all times" Kotetsu said I was very happy and went to hug the little shrine spirit "Thank you, we leave immediately and Onikiri if Tomoe ask where am I just tell him I went into town to look for medicine for him" I said she only nodded before Kotetsu open up a portal and we went to the world over yonder.

You stepped through the portal it seems so dark and creepy as you and Kotetsu walked to the red light district, while you were doing you're shopping you couldn't help but notice everyone staring at you even though you are wearing a special spirit disguise that Kotetsu forced you to wear "Lady (Y/N), please hurry up I don't like the looks these yokai's are giving you remember you are not a god of any sorts and will not be able to use the talismans, nor am I strong enough to protect you, please finish your shopping so we can get out of here" Kotetsu begged you, you decided to take his advice and got the last of the things you needed before heading back to the real world.

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