The allergic reaction

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You woke up late that morning only coming in at 2am last night from your work, as you walked out the door you tripped over a wire and a bucket of ice cold water came down on you "Tomoe..." you said in anger "My, My looks like someone could use a towel" Tomoe said hiding his smirk behind his fan, you stood up and throw the bucket at him which he easily dodge "Someone is not a morning person" he said again you could hear the smirk behind the fan you walked over to him head hanging down low and grab the front of his shirt brining him to eye level "You will pay for this" you said and let him go as you walked back to your room for dry cloths. It was now night time and you already got Tomoe back from this morning turning all his kimonos into short girly dresses, he got you back by hanging all your cloths in the tree's. The pranks stop for a moment because Namami ordered Tomoe to stop harassing you and so you decided to give it a rest too since it is no fun to annoy the fox if he is under the sacred word anymore even though you hate him you will still play fair.

After dinner Tomoe gave you a chocolate cake that you immediately devour but something seemed off the cake tasted weird, but you couldn't place your finger on it, but suddenly your start to breathe heavily and you knew that cake had strawberries in them you got up very quickly almost tripping over the table and ran to your room looking for the insulin you always had with you. Namami came knocking at your door "Y/N is everything alright we are worried about you" "I'm fine Namami please don't come in I will be out shortly" you said and quickly locking the door and went to your draw getting out the insulin pen your breathing getting shorter you grab the pen and insert it before laying on the ground trying to catch your breath the pen laying next to you. You heard knocking at the door but choose to ignore it and just close your eyes for a bit before you knew it you fell asleep.

Tomoe pov

I had enough of that stupid girl's pranks, tonight it ends while I was making dinner I got the idea I have notice that (Y/N) avoided strawberries so tonight I made a special chocolate cake that girl has a sweet tooth she won't be able to refuse this. I smiled when I gave her the cake and she devoured it immediately but suddenly got up from the table breathing heavily and went to her room. "that's strange behavior" I thought as Namami went after her, she came back later saying (Y/N) locked her out and that I should go check on her, I got up with some effort and went to her door knocking, but she didn't answer the door this got me more frustrated "why won't she open up the door" I thought as I tried the doorknob but found that she locked the door I knock again "hey stupid brat you in there?, come on out Namami is beginning to worry" I shouted it's not just Namami that's beginning to worry it's me too for some strange reason thinking something maybe seriously wrong with the girl.

That's it after knocking three time with no answer I decided to break down the door only to find that she was already asleep on her bed "this girl is starting to piss me off, got us all worried for no reason" I thought as I walked over to her bed ready to give her a rude awaking when I notice something lying next to her I picked up what looks like a small needle and saw it was an insulin pen "Why would (Y/N) need an insulin pen for" I asked softly looking at the sleeping girl "could it be that she is allergic to chocolate, no can't be I saw her stuffing her face with chocolate can't be could it be that she is allergic to strawberries?!" I thought my eyes widened if that is the chase that means I almost killed her I went into shock and gently touch her hand "I'm so sorry (Y/N) I didn't know" I whispered hoping she heard me for some reason thinking of her dead or worse that I came so close in killing her made my heart ache just thinking of not seeing her anymore, yes we may have played some mean pranks on each other but we both know it was just for fun it's not that we actually hated each other is it? I need some time to think for a moment about my feeling for this human girl. And without another word I left the room.

You pov

You woke up early when you went to open your door you found it broken down "What the living hell?!" you screamed Tomoe came out of his room yawing "why do you always make such a ruckus so early in the morning" he asked as he glared at you "Where is my damn door broken?" you asked "oh that Namami wanted me to check on you last night and since you locked your door you gave me no reason as to break it down" he said with a smile enjoying the small unattended misery he caused you so early in the morning "Then fix it!" I screamed at him before going to the kitchen for some breakfast "Good Morning (Y/N) what happened last night I was so worried about you" Namami said in between eating waffles "oh nothing to worry about just had a small allergic reaction to the strawberries in the cake last night and then I just kinda fell asleep... sorry to have made you worried" you sheepish said before sitting down and taking four waffles and drowning it in syrup "I didn't know you were allergic to anything, I will tell Tomoe at once to throw out all strawberries" Namami said with determination "What oh no I just avoid them Namami you can still eat them" I said she just gave a ok nod and went back to eating. Later that day you sat outside watching Tomoe fix your door and you keep thinking if you heard him last night apologizing and touching you or was it all just a dream, while you were in your dream world you didn't notice yourself staring at Tomoe until he spoke "like what you see (Y/N)" he asked with a smirk, damn that fox as you went beet red "Shu...shut up you dumb fox" you said and got up walking back inside your heart pounding no I will not fall for that fox I hate him, but do I really maybe I don't maybe I'm starting to have feeling for him "ah damn my life, getting feelings for a guy that hates you just perfect" 

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