Ordinary day

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The summer vacation was over, you looked out the window thinking about the days you had spend with your friends and how time just flew by "Miss (Y/N) are you even listening" the teacher asked you "Yes, yes I'm listening" you replied "then answer the question" he said with a I know your lying look in his eyes you looked around trying to figure out the question hoping someone would give you a hint when thankfully Namami pointed to the board where there was a math equation and the teacher wanted the answer "the answer is x=14" you said the teacher looked shock and disappointed for not being able to catch you off guard luckily for you, you are an expert in math "Thank you miss (Y/N) next time don't make me call your name twice" he said before going back to his lesson, you gave a thank you smile to Namami the last thing you needed was detention on a Friday even though summer break ended you couldn't wait to for the weekend those sleep in days were the best times and the weekend also allow you more time to spend with Tomoe. After the Carnival you had kissed him on the cheek as your way of thanking him, but you couldn't get it out your mind it felt right being near him and kissing him like that after that night every time you near him you couldn't get him out of your mind and your heart beat so loudly you think he could hear it with those fox ears of his, but you didn't care the least you needed to be near him or you would just feel empty, yes you have finally fallen for the yokai it was a one sided love story or so you thought.

After school you had to go to work so Namami accompanied you "So (Y/N) I notice you acting a bit strange around Tomoe did something happened" she asked you spit out the soda you were drinking as the two of you walked to the café "what no nothing happened, why do you say that" I looked at her waiting for an answer if she notice that then surely Tomoe might have also notice the change in behavior "Well these past few days I couldn't help but notice at the shrine you keep looking for Tomoe and when you find him you just sit there staring at him and you haven't played one prank on him ever since the night at the carnival was just wondering" she said absent mindedly looking at the passing cars "huh didn't know I do that, don't worry Namami there is nothing going on there" I reassure her "oh, that's too bad" she said sadly I choose to ignore the girl's strange tone of voice and kept walking until we got to the café.

Namami left a while ago, it was closing time and already dark you couldn't help but groan after you left you had to walk back to the shrine and start doing your homework since you weren't paying attention to the teachers they punished you with extra work "they are so unfair, but at least it is weekend" you said a little happily at the idea. When you got home everything was quiet as you walked into the kitchen you saw Tomoe sitting there drinking tea and you could feel your heart beat speeding up "good evening (Y/N) how was work" Tomoe said once he notice you "good evening, it was tiring" you said and plopped yourself down across from him, he stood up and went to the oven getting out a plate of food "here you go, I was unsure if you have eaten at the café so I have made you an plate" he said putting the food in front of you, you couldn't have been more relieved you haven't eaten anything since lunch time "thank you I haven't eaten yet this is a blessing" you said and dug into the plate in front of you making Tomoe have a sweat drop at you messing eating "Thank you for the food Tomoe" you said after you had finish the food in 30sec flat "glad you like it, but next time slow down the food will not run away" he said making you blush a bit you stood up "well have to get started on this homework if I want a free weekend" you said picking up your school bag and getting your things out sitting at the kitchen table doing homework was your favorite place since your room will only distract you. "it's nearly 11h do you really have to start now why don't you go get some rest and start in the morning" Tomoe asked you "No I want to finish it now or else I have to spend Saturday doing this hellish work" you replied starting with the easiest subject English "very well, goodnight (Y/N) don't stay up too late" he said before leaving the kitchen "goodnight" you replied.

Finished you sigh closing the last book when you looked at the clock it read 3h in the morning "took longer than I thought it would" you said to yourself before laying your head down on your books and closing your eyes you have no energy to take the walked to your room at the end of the hall.

Tomoe pov

I couldn't get any sleep I keep hearing (Y/N) scribbling away in her book "that girl in gonna over work herself" I thought when everything went silent I looked at my bedside clock it read 3h in the morning how much work did that girl have to do, or is she just that slow. I was waiting to hear when she will be going to her room but heard nothing, I waited for another 15min before standing up and go to the kitchen only to see her sleeping on her books, I smiled at her she looks so peaceful maybe I should wake her up, no I got close to her poking her once or twice to see how out of it she really is before picking her up going to her room, I tucked her in bed then just sitting there looking at her I took a piece of her (H/C) twirling it between my fingers before tucking it behind her ear, she looks so peaceful I thought as I leaned in almost kissing her before I stopped myself, no it doesn't feel right doing it like this I took one more look at her face before going back to bed.

I only got in 3h of sleep the entire night I could have sworn I heard coughing, but every time I stood up to go check it was silent this went on for the whole night before I decided enough is enough and stood up, to go make breakfast for everyone.


You stood up feeling like a train ran over you, reversed and ran you over again; you were coughing the whole night hoping you didn't wake anyone "I feel horrible and on a Saturday too" you wined but decided screw it nothing is going to ruining this perfect funny day for you a positive mind gives you a positive body and for a moment you did feel better "it all mind over matter, now let's go enjoy the day" you said getting dressed and going down for breakfast "Pancakes!" you screamed before attacking the stack "hey hey leave some for the others" Tomoe yelled hitting you with his spatula over the head "morning mister grumpy pants" you said while holding the bump forming on your forehead "I'm not grumpy I was up all night, because I was hearing coughing the whole night but every time I stood up it went quiet" he said flipping another pancake, you blush out of embarrassment you had no idea he was up all night because of you, but if he knows you are feeling sick he won't let you leave to enjoy the day "oh maybe you where just hearing things, you really should go to bed earlier" you said finishing you plate before getting some more "that's what I thought too" he mumbled ears down pouring more butter in the pan "anyway I'm off see you guys later" I said heading for the door this got his attention "wait where are you going" he said "in to town it's a lovely day for shopping" I said twirling around "very well I will accompany you then" he said taking of his apron coming towards you "what why?" you asked "don't you want me to come with you, don't you want to spend time with me?" he said his ears going flat on his head tissue in hand "nonono it's not like that you can come if you want to, but think it will be very boring for you" you said waving your hands in front of you for some sort of defense towards his sad face his ears picked up again "no it won't be boring lets go" he said walking out the door you just sigh and went after him you didn't want him to come or he will notice you are feeling down and bring you back again now you have to keep up the happy attitude the whole day and you just wanted to go pick up some medicine and go relax in the park for a few hours enjoying the sun. This is going to be one long ass day you thought as the two of you headed into town. 

The Land God new room mate (Tomoe Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now