Chapter 11

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"What the fuck are you doing?" a voice demanded, causing Will's heart to jump in his chest. His eyes opened and he shot up in his bed, a hand covering his eyes from the brightness of the sun. "You are fortunate that I found you before Alana or your father did!"

Will rubbed at his eyes, something beside him shifting. The words were difficult to string together, but when he finally opened his eyes, he found Beverly standing at the edge of the bed with an annoyed expression on her face.

"I've never seen you act so careless," she scolded harshly, fire in her eyes. "What if your father discovered you were sleeping around with men? Your head would be on a silver platter!"

Will sighed and looked around the room, taking in where he was, which was very much not in his own bed. "Will you two please get dressed? Will, you're needed in the grand hall immediately."

"I'll make sure he is there promptly," a lazy voice beside Will assured. Will glanced down to find Hannibal lying on his stomach, hiding his face into his pillow, obviously still adjusting to the rude awakening just as Will was. Will couldn't stop the smile that pulled at his lips as he looked over the man, wanting nothing more than to just lay back down with him for the rest of the day.

"And as for you," Beverly hissed, snatching up a pillow from the bed and throwing it at Hannibal who groaned and slowly pushed himself onto his forearms to look at his attacker. His hair sat messily, and Will hid back a chuckle. "We are in a very fragile situation at the moment, and you are not doing anything to benefit the situation! The way you two keep running around this castle like you're in a sonnet is going to get you in trouble."

"Fragile situation?" Will asked. "What fragile situation?"

"King Verger and his children are waiting in the grand hall."

Will's eyes widened as he took in the information. "Why the hell does no one tell me anything until it is upon me?"

"If you were in a fit state yesterday you would have known," Beverly shot back, all anger. "Now, for the love of all that is holy, please put some clothes on. Both of you! My imagination was more than enough."

Will got to his feet, finding his long-discarded trousers, and pulling them on. He searched for his shirt in the mess. "What are they doing here?"

"There's been some dispute over borders. Our navies have been found traversing the German Sea. Honestly William. It has been the only thing your father has been discussing at length during meals. Have you not been paying attention to-"

"I only listen to my father, when necessary," Will grumbled as he pulled his shirt over his head. "And I have been rather distracted as of late."

Beverly hummed, folding her arms over her chest and Will didn't miss the pointed look she shot Hannibal who was still lazing in bed, but watching with interest on his features. "I seem to be able to locate said distraction rather easily," she hissed, only causing Hannibal to grin slightly.

"Are you jealous?" he teased, but Will could see the way it bristled Beverly.

"If I've been the only one to notice, I will be thoroughly surprised. It's been less than a week and-"

"We'll be less conspicuous," Hannibal assured, all seriousness in his tone as if he finally were grasping the significance that Beverly was putting on the issue. "You're very correct. I am assuming that I am wanted there as well."

"Yes." Beverly's tone was tight. "But it would be best if people didn't know about your rendezvous, so I would suggest joining them shortly. Will, please."

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