Chapter 34

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"Does it hurt terribly?" Will asked, his breath warm against Hannibal's spine. Hannibal closed his eyes as feather light touches trailed over the branding in his skin, mapping it.

"No. I can't feel it anymore." The sensation of fleeting feeling as damaged skin was passed over for pristine sent a unwarranted shiver down Hannibal's back and a smile to his lips. They danced around Hannibal's body, as if in search of more vandalism, but Hannibal was happy to find that the new king came up empty. "That's the worst of it. I promise." Hannibal twisted his body on the edge of the bed so he could fully face Will.

"Do I need to take care of this Marquess of Leganés, Diego Felipez de Guzmán." Will spat the name, causing Hannibal to laugh and scoop up Will's hands into his own.

"Your accent and pronunciation has much improved since we were children." He brought Will's hands to his lips and pressed a kiss to them. Hannibal thought Will's head would fall from his shoulders with how hard Will rolled his eyes. "And I more than handled the situation."

"That's a pity. I have been looking for someone to take some rather unpleasant emotions out on and since you have taken it upon yourself to materialize, I cannot take out my threats on the duke."

"Threats on the duke?" Hannibal's brows rose in mock interest as he lowered Will's hands back to the bed. "Is that where you got this?" Hannibal's finger trailed over the large ring that sat on Will's middle finger, one that had not belonged to the king beforehand and so had not been passed down.

"He deserved everything he got," Will defended, only causing the smile to pull harder at Hannibal's lips.

"I am certain he did." Someone needed to pay for what had happened to his men after the storm. But if Will said he had gotten them all returned to their families, then Hannibal believed him. "What are these pent up emotions you're holding onto, Your Majesty?"

Will's nose scrunched up and he stuck his tongue out at Hannibal, sending Hannibal back into a memory of them sneaking around the palace late at night. Will just as stubborn and childish as ever.

"You, above all else, never call me that."

Hannibal hummed at the order and leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss to Will's jaw. Hannibal's chest warmed with amusement at the staggering breath that Will let out. "Why is that?" Hannibal guided Will closer with a hand slipping over velvet skin to cradle the back of Will's head. Will's hand jumped up to catch Hannibal's wrist, though there was no tug on his wrist. Just a steadying grip. "I think the title suits you."

"Hannibal," Will whined.

Hannibal pulled back, getting instantly lost in Will's eyes. They were the safety of a harbor from a long night battling sirens and Poseidon himself. They were the truth that anchored Hannibal here, in this room, in this moment. They were real and in front of him. His safe haven and future, now present and in reach. They belonged to the man who Hannibal had been fighting months to get back to, the man he fought wars for, the man he grew up knowing they were meant for more despite the distance.

"Shall I take care of these emotions you speak of?" Hannibal finally asked into the gentle silence of the room, his mouth sticky. He nuzzled his nose against Will's and Will stole a swift kiss.

"You always take care of me," Will muttered. Hannibal's eyes flickered closed when a wet, hot tongue trailed his bottom lip teasingly. His heart pounded in his chest, begging to burst painfully from his rib cage. "It's my turn."

Hannibal's head tipped to the side as Will got to his feet. Hannibal tried to follow, but a push against his bare chest sent him back to the bed. A glimmer of lust in blue glowed as Will sent a grin in Hannibal's direction. Will must have missed Hannibal as much as he claimed to.

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