Chapter 25

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"Will, maybe we should-"

"Not now, Beverly," Will instructed, doing his best to keep his voice steady as he led the way to the throne room. Footsteps followed eagerly behind him, belonging to not only his guard and his friends, but to all those subjects who had lived through the night. "I do not have-"

"There are traditions to uphold, William," Beverly again pushed, voice still lower than Will thought it needed to be. "If we do not perform them, your reign may be questioned. It's already hanging by a thread. We cannot afford to do this incorrectly."

Will refused to slow his gate. "What part of the ritual are you referring to? Because at the moment, I have very little patience for traditions."

Will's arm was grabbed lightly, calling the man to a halt so he could look at the hand that Beverly was bringing to his view. Her voice was no more than a whisper when she spoke.

"You are covered in blood, Will. At least do the bathing ceremony. Show them how pure you are."

Will's eyes darted over his fingers that were dried and cracking with the remnants of the past king across them. It would be a lie if he said he didn't enjoy the way the blood looked nearly black in the moonlight that poured in from the windows and the shadows cast by the lit torches.

"I am the furthest thing from pure Beverly. Maybe it is time for the public to see exactly who their king is. No more lies and falsehoods. Only truths." Will freed his hand from Beverly and continued towards the throne room, shoving one of the doors open when he reached it. Beverly raced after him, and Will ignored the worried look on her face. "Beverly, will you please see that the Archbishop of Canterbury is fetched as swiftly as possible? I am not wasting my time going to Westminster. I have other things to look over now. Have him bring the bare essentials."

"William, I-"

"Please," Will begged lowly, so as not to be heard. "Do not undermine me at this particular moment. We will discuss everything fully after. I promise. Now, go. Make haste."

Beverly nodded and rushed off the way they had come, handfuls of her skirts in her hands to run faster. Will motioned Jack closer to him and the man pushed forward the soldier in his grip to fall in line with Will's steps.

"I want all those who oppose me on their knees before the throne. I want to see all their faces. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Your Highness," Jack agreed with a nod, falling back to instruct all his men of Will's orders.

Will inhaled deeply, the air around him cool and refreshing. It filled his lungs with strength as he took his place before the thrones. Thrones that only he would fill. No one else needed to fill them. Not Hannibal, nor Margot. They were his and his alone.

He turned his attention to the throne room that was filled steadily with all of the guards and the court. Women clung to their husbands and there was low chatter among them that fell silent when Will raised a hand, calling for their attention.

He held out his hand towards Brian who came to him. Brian's face was pale, and he inhaled deeply, stopping before Will and bowing before turning to face the crowd. He held up the severed head that Will had let roll down the stairs minutes before. There was a sharp shift in the room as an icy coldness whipped through it.

"My loyal subjects," Will announced to the room, his voice somehow louder than he had ever made it before. It was power, it was strength, it was him. "Today marks a pivotal moment in the annals of our realm. Fate has thrust upon me the mantle of leadership. I now stand before you as your new sovereign."

Will didn't miss the way a shiver ran through the crowd, uneasiness hanging there now as eyes wearily took in his father's head before them and the pale guard. He just hoped that he was able to show them who he wanted to be, what he could be, instead of them fearing him like they seemed to be doing now. Not that Will could blame them in any sense. He couldn't imagine what it must be like to be woken from a dead sleep and brought to the throne room to see your king dead before you.

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