Chapter 33

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The rich blue of her dress stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowded streets and Hannibal had never been so grateful to see the woman. All of their arguments felt distant now, like long forgotten dreams. A smile pulled at his lips and the exhaustion of the journey evaporated instantaneously.

He tugged Maximus' reins behind him as he weaved through the market space towards the woman. She was busy speaking to one of the shop owners, deep in conversation. Hannibal had never seen her anywhere outside of the palace, but she looked at home amongst the bustling as if she spent just as much time here as she did at the king's side.

His breath caught in his lungs and his fingers trembled as they reached out for her, hand gently taking her forearm. She jumped, yanking her arm free and turning to face him. He could see the snarky retort die on her tongue as her dark eyes took him in.

The basket in her hand tumbled to the ground, the procured produce bouncing away and lost among the feet. He stood in a stunned silence as she reached for him, pulling him into the tightest hug he thought he had ever been wrapped in.

"Hannibal," she breathed in his ear. He circled his arms around her, hiding his face in her black hair. "Thank God."

"Beverly," he greeted in just as soft a whisper, something reverent in their reunion. Relief flooded through him, relaxing his body. He was home. He was safe. He didn't have to fight anymore. "I didn't think I would be this happy to see you again."

"The sentiment is mutual." She laughed lightly, her grip somehow tightening on him. "Will has been searching endlessly for you. We thought you went down with the ship."

"You can't be rid of me that easily." Hannibal pulled himself free and couldn't stop himself from letting his hand caress her cheek. His thumb wiped away the tear that escaped and rolled down her cheek. "There's no reason to cry. There's no possibility that you missed me that much."

"Don't worry." She laughed fully this time, her hands reaching up to take his wrist. She pulled herself from his grip. "I still hate you."

"And I you." Hannibal held back his own tears as his chest tightened. "Can I see him?"

Beverly nodded, hand slipping into his. "Let's go home."

The basket lay forgotten in the street as she led him back towards the castle, arm in arm. Her words swirled around him, making him dizzy as she explained everything that had happened since his departure and detour.

The emotions that ran rampant through Hannibal exhausted him. The truth about the blackmailing had finally come to light, the thing that Hannibal had been unable to explain before he had left. The wedding had crumbled apart, Will having clung to it desperately. The correspondence they were having with Margot who was trapped under her brother's cruelty. The death of the king turned Hannibal's mouth dry. He did his best to picture the boy he had left becoming the monster that Beverly described to him, but Hannibal was at a loss.

"....eep it a secret."

Hannibal shook his head as the words broke through his thoughts.


"I think we should keep this a secret," Beverly repeated. "I will have Alana help you with getting cleaned up and then you can see Will."

Hannibal's heart jumped in his chest as he took in his surroundings. The stone wall outside of the palace stood tall before him, the gate creaking as it was opened. The stone beneath his feet welcomed him warmly, familiar as he strode through the gate.

"Should I have him taken to the stables?" Beverly asked, motioning to Maximus who had been happily trotting along beside them. Hannibal nodded and Beverly was swift to order several servants to take care of the horse. Servants that Hannibal didn't recognize. He had never learned the faces and names of everyone here, he didn't think it possible, but he was certain these people were new. "If you would like to retire to your room, you know the way. I will send Alana there."

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