Chapter 27

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"Mr. Baldwin!" Edward greeted, rising to his feet as the man was shown into the tearoom. Will got to his own feet and waited patiently to be introduced. Edward shook the other man's hand. Baldwin was a nauseating figure of a man, with a pale wise face, and heavy-lidded eyes. His hair was just as greasy as his entire persona and Will found himself once more faced with another issue at hand. But he supposed that ruling a kingdom was simply games on games and it was his job to be the smartest in the room. "How good of you to join us. Let me introduce you to His Royal Majesty, King William."

Edward motioned towards Will and Will waited for the normal courtesy that came with his position, though he only found a raised brow from Baldwin.

"So, the rumors are true then," Baldwin muttered, though his voice was not kept low. "King Sanford has passed away. May he rest in peace."

"I hope he won't," Will chirped back, hands folded in front of him. He could wait. He was due his respect. Especially with these too seedy men. They were going to learn their place and it was not above him. He did not hold these men in the same graces his father did, and it wasn't about to change any time soon. "Mr. Baldwin, is it?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The bow finally came, though it was weak in its attempt. Nothing that would implore any sort of respect to Will. "Is it true what has been whispered around the court?"

"And what would that be, Baldwin?" Will inquired boredly, taking his seat at the table again. The two men traded glances with each other before sitting at the table as well. It had been laid with a spread of fine meats and cheeses, fruits and breads as well as cups of wine. Will picked at a grape and looked over it with feigned interest before eating it.

"You were crowned wearing the king's blood with his head in your hand?"

There was a sputtering and a coughing from Edward as he choked on his wine and Will waited patiently for the outburst to settle before he returned his attention to Baldwin.

"I am not here to put courtier rumors to rest," Will dismissed with a wave of his hand. He picked up a gleaming and freshly sharpened knife to begin cutting a slice of pear that he procured from a lovely silver tray. He ate it from the blade of the knife that was steadied with his thumb. "The only prominent information that you need to be aware of is that my father has been disposed of and I am king. Is that settled?"

There was a darkening of Baldwin's eyes and Edward was still lightly coughing as he dabbed at his mustache with a cloth. Baldwin gave a single nod and Will let his knife glide through the pear once more before taking another slice of the fruit between his teeth.

"The reason that I am here has to do with the Mary Rose."

"What about her?" Baldwin's fingers drummed against the tabletop.

"There were important documents on board that I am in need of. Have you pulled anything like that from the wreckage? I have been informed that you were the one in charge of gathering everything salvageable."

"There were documents on board, yes." Baldwin tipped his head to the side. Will watched the man look him up and down in much the same way that Edward had earlier. As if he were hungry and Will was fresh meat. "Was there any in particular you were looking for?"

"I would prefer to inspect all the documentation myself." Will finished off the last bite of pear and let the core fall to his plate. But the knife he cleaned with a cloth before looking over the blade curiously. "I expect them in my hands within the hour."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The agreement was hissed between clenched teeth and Will wondered if perhaps he had stumbled upon something that these two men had been wanting to keep to themselves. Some sort of investment opportunity. Possibly selling everything that was on board that was salvageable.

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