Chapter 12

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"Where did you get it?"

"Spain sends us boxes full. Please humor me. There's nothing wrong with a little indulgence," Mason pushed aggressively.

"No thank you, Mason," Will muttered as politely as his voice would allow, giving a tight-lipped smile and shaking his head. "I'm not much of a sweets person."

There was a huff of dislike as the paper was folded back over the chocolate and it was returned to Mason's pocket, leaving Will grateful for the lack of a fight.

"Very well," he grumbled, and Will knew that he was wrong to have not played the little game. He wasn't sure what his punishment would be, but he had broken the rules, and it was not going to end well for him.

"I've been informed that there was some issue with our navy entering your borders." Will tossed out the words like a bone, hoping that the beast would bite and be distracted long enough that Will could escape.

"Ah, yes. That is a shame really," Mason agreed with a nod, picking a new direction to take in the maze that only forced them deeper into it, the sound of running water becoming more than a faint whisper. "We have been working very hard with King Sandford on that aspect. It seems he just keeps sending ships into our territory. Now, what are we to do about that?"

"I'm assuming that is what our fathers are discussing, yes?"

"With that charming commander of yours, yes. I'm sure."

The words prodded and Will did his best to not show how uncomfortable they made him. He hated the way that Mason had snatched onto Hannibal in a warped sort of way. As if Mason could see everything fully without really needing to try, as if he knew the secrets that were living in the stone walls.

"Tell me about him. He was curious looking. I swear I recognized him from somewhere."

Will let his face turn to confusion and he glanced over at the eyes that were piercing through him.

"Then perhaps you ran across him while in Spain. He's been fighting there for the last few years. I have only just met him."

"I haven't been lucky enough to traverse Spain, unfortunately."

There was another turn and Will found himself somehow in the center of the maze. He recalled stumbling upon it once after having left a fight with his father in an angry haze, but he had never purposefully gone looking for the fountain.

It trickled happily, though the murmur did nothing to sooth Will's uneasiness. The fountain's basin, carved from smooth, ivory-hued marble, was adorned with intricate mythical creatures and scenes from forgotten legends. Water, clear as crystal, cascaded from the sculpted mouths of stone nymphs, their delicate features frozen in a moment of eternal grace. The waters gathered in the basin, reflecting the surrounding greenery with a mirror-like clarity. Lilies and lotus blossoms floated serenely on the surface, their petals kissing the water's edge.

The first time Will had been here he had been lost in timelessness. The world beyond the labyrinth seemed to fade into obscurity, leaving only the magic of this secret oasis. Only this time Will was horribly and acutely aware of every inch of his skin and the way it prickled as he tried to put space between Mason and himself by walking around the base of the fountain.

"This is a bit more to my liking," Mason announced, leaning back to gaze up at the stonework. "Much nicer than the gardens."

"Do you enjoy art then, Mason?" Will questioned, keeping Mason carefully in view.

"Not at all. I find people more interesting than art."

"Is that so?" Will asked with a pretend interest. He stopped to inhale deeply and try to calm the racing in his veins that was making him want to run, though he honestly wasn't sure how far he would be able to make it if he tried. He didn't know the way out. He would probably hit a dead end and have the chocolate shoved down his throat.

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