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I dmed Ji-Won about it, trying to explain myself once again but she left me on read. Her post about me had over ten thousand likes. I noticed Joshua didn't like it though.

Joshua later in the day, called me.

"Hello?" I answer, nervous on what he'd say.

"Eun-Ji, Ji-Won already called you right? I don't really want to start anything between you two but do you really do that?" he asks.

"What? What are you talking about?" I ask, confused.

"You know. She told me you were using her to get closer to me. I don't think you're the type to do such a thing but I'm just gonna ask to make sure." He says.

"Using her to get closer to you? What the hell? That wasn't what she confronted me about. You know what, I'm gonna go talk to her, I'm gonna go now, bye." I hang up.

"Did she really tell him that? Is this really the Ji-Won I know? I get that I may have done things with Joshua that bothered her but she should've talked to me about it. Is she really going around, say such things?" I thought.

I, again, dm Ji-Won. I wasn't able to get a hold of her after that incident. She blocked my number.

"Really..?" I slowly let out. Maybe this is what I deserved? Liking my best friend's boyfriend. Feelings can't be controlled though, if I could, I would cut off these feelings immediately.

I didn't know. My head was full of thoughts, whether or not I should apologize, confront her, etc. I wanted to prove my innocence to Joshua, and confront her at the same time. Apologizing was something I couldn't bring myself to do.

After hearing her conversation with her friends, I didn't know.         
My mind shifted from Ji-Won to Joshua. I wondered if he'd believe me, I wondered if he'd choose her between the two of us.

Maybe I was being dramatic? Just a little? Maybe I'm misunderstanding Ji-Won, after all those years of friendship, there's no way she'd do this to me. Right?

I feel bad for liking Joshua, and I'll definitely try to move on but what she said that day kept playing in my mind.

(Heyy y'all. Sorry, I was working on this chapter for several days, even though it's really short. I really have no idea what to write, shifting the issue from Eun-Ji to Ji-Won is making me feel weird about this. Ill try to keep updating if you enjoy this FF. I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.)

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