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Diana called me yesterday to inform me that my brothers have agreed to see me and that we will meet later for dinner in a restaurant

She didn't tell me the address of the restaurant. Instead, she gaved my home address to my brothers, and they are gonna send someone to get me

I sighed. I've never been that nervous before ,
I don't know what to expect from them. I don't remember much about them. I only managed to recall some of their names, but everything else was blank

I hate overthinking, but I always find myself doing it  when I'm stressed

Since I didn't have work, I decided to look for an outfit for later
I don't like dresses, so maybe pants or shorts? the weather is cold so jeans?

I decided to wear my dark blue jeans with a white top, and I will get my oversized denim graffit jacket, and I will put on some gold jewelry, too 

Ok, I'm done with the outfit. Now we have to wait for the driver to get me



Since we came back home from the cafe yesterday, I couldn't stop thinking about Kiara

I mean, what if we scare her and she runs away from us ,we can be a little intimidating sometimes, so I won't be surprised if she does
I am more curious about how she looks like,does she have any hobbies
I know that she can't trust us that fast, to tell us everything, but I want to know every little thing about her

I want to know how she spent her life without us
I can't wait to meet her



I can't believe that I was this close to her at that cafe, I didn't even have the chance to take a proper look of her

I don't usually pay attention to the people around me, so I didn't even notice the similarities

I'm so excited to see her



People say that if you separate twins, their souls will always find each other no matter where they are
That was something that my grandma told me when I was younger,and I believed it,

I always had hope that I would be the first one to find her 
But what can I say? Lucky wasn't my middle name

But I never imagined that we would find her through a simple phone call

We searched every day in different adopting centers and orphanages during these 8 years, but she wasn't in any of them. How?

Maybe if we searched harder.

I'm nervous and excited at the same time for dinner later. I don't know what to expect, but I know one thing

I will bring her back home
even if she doesn't want to



Less than 2 hours are left before we meet her,
I have never been that nervous before, but I guess that I was still doubting that women's call

Some of our rivals tried to joke around with us, saying that they knew where our sister is and us being naive and desperated to find our little sister fall for it, and they got us

So I really hope that this isn't a joke



My sister will finally be in my arms again after so many years of not being able to hold her

I'm actually the only one who met her, so I know how she looks like, and she is mesmerizing, a mature woman who doesn't look scared of anything, If it wasn't her similarity with Allan I would never be able to recognize her she grew alot and she become so beautiful

And I can say that I'm already proud of her for handling her life without us,at least I hope

Now it's time to go and bring her home



I'm glad that I got ready on time because I didn't want to make the driver wait for me. I walked out of the house, and I locked the door them headed towards the man next to the car

"Miss Kiara, My name is Francis. I will be your personal driver for the night."
He said with a smile and opened the door for me

"Is a pleasure to meet you, Francis." I returned the smile and sat in the car

Apparently, he started telling stories about my brothers and I when we were little


The drive to the restaurant was about an hour
When we parked the car, I went out of it and looked around . I was  in front  of a big, expensive looking hotel, I have never been in a place like this before

"This hotel is owned by your brothers, miss."
Francis informed me

Ok, I'm a little shocked. My brothers were rich!
I followed Francis, and when we got into the lobby of the hotel, I gasped slightly. It was so beautiful

But when we reached the restaurant, I was even more amazed,everything was made from gold material,but what catched my eye was the gigantic aquarium in the middle

Francis started walking towards some stairs that led us towards a beautiful garden, and I followed after him

I looked around, and wow!
Can this place get more beautiful

I looked in front of me and spotted a big table in the middle of the garden, and there were 5 men  sitting there and talking loudly

but when I got closer, one of them turned his head towards me, and the others followed him, but them I froze

There were the two men that I saw at the cafe on Monday



We have already ordered our food, and we were waiting for our sister to arrive
"Why is she not here yet?"
Kyle said. He looked annoyed
I have never seen him this stressed before, but we were all nervous



I was talking to Enzo next to me about some files that I got this morning
When I felt like someone was watching me,I lifted my head and looked around only to be met with a mesmerizing blue eyes

"Where are you looking?"
Jeremy looked at me and followed my gaze . The others turned around, too, and
We all stood like statues


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