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'I was the good kid,and it got me nothing'


I was at our company when Leo called and told me to go to Kiara's apartment and wait for her there,he didn't tell me why,I thought that he was supposed to drive her there

He sounded in a hurry, so I didn't have time to question him before he could cut the line

I drove for about half an hour, and I finally arrived at her apartment,I went out of the car and decided to call Leo, but before I could call him

I saw a black car coming towards me, and it stopped right in front of me, and a girl came out of it,when the car drove off the girl turned around and to my surprise was my sister

"Kiara, why aren't you with Leo?!Why are you here alone?!"I asked her
I thought that she was with Leo

The truth is that her neighborhood is packed with very dangerous people, and even some of them lived here in her complex

You will ask from where I know this
The truth is that I may have personally delivered some things to some guys here

So I immediately told Leo about them, and that's when he took the decision to ask her to move in with us

Which is one of the reasons why one of us had to go with her today
The other one is that Leo told me that he didn't want her to drive alone, so he was the one who had to come

I was still examining Kiara when, with the corner of my eyes, I saw Leo's black Range Rover, and a few minutes later, he parked next to us

I looked at Kiara and saw her tense up

Leo got out of the car and started walking towards us. I could see the angry expression on his face
when he was now in front of us

"Let's go and get that car."
He said with no expression on his face

Oh boy, he is fuming. He was always calm before he started with his ranting. It was surprising that he was still so calm


I want to get this car and get out of here as fast as possible
I looked at Kiara and saw that she was avoiding looking at me
So I put my hand on her shoulder and inhaled a breath

"Come on, give me the car keys, and let's go home."
I said and pushed her forward a little

"Why would I give you the keys?I'm going to drive it ."
She told me with a confused look

I saw Kyle looking at me, and I nodded my head to show him to start talking

I think that he understood me,and he stepped towards us

"Kiki,I'm going to drive with you in the car. Let's go."He said and started dragging her towards the garages

Ok, by interfering, I didn't mean doing that,but I will try to not brusth out. At least not now

I followed after them and looked at Kiara. She got a silver remote in her hand, and she walked to the second garage and pushed a button on it, and the garage door started to lift automatically

I looked at the car in front of me, a Dodge Durango SRT Hellcat, and was now on full display in front of us

I shared a look with Kyle. From she got the money to buy this car?,I didn't remember her telling us to have another job and I don't think that her salary from the cafe is this big to let her live in a penthouse and drive a car like this


I wanted to laugh at their expressions when they saw the car,but hey, their cars were more expensive than mine, I don't know why they are this surprised

"Let's go inside the car,"
I said and  looked at them

I unlocked the doors and sat on the driver's seat. Kyle was about to sit in the passenger seat, but Leo pushed him and sat there instead

"What about your car?"
I turned to look at Leo

"I will send someone to get mine and Kyle's,don't worry about that."
He said, looking at me seriously

Was he still mad about the phone talk?
He is here now, isn't he?
Them why is he still sulking over a mere thing like this

I started the car, and the engine roared
"Are you two ready to go?"
I asked, looking at both of them with a little smirk

"Yeah,be careful when you push the ga-.."
Leo couldn't even finish
When I sped out of the garage and they went flying back in the seats

I laughed evilly. That's gonna be fun...


"Remind me to never be in the same car as you."
Kyle said when we stepped out of the car

"You wanted to come,"
I said and started walking towards the front door

What?. I didn't force them to come with me they came on their own

When I was about to grab the door handle, a big hand stopped me

"Give me the car key."
Leo said and extended his hand towards me
And I looked at him

"Don't make me repeat myself!"He said and greeted his teeth

I bet my car that he was trying not to shout at me

I put the key in his palm and pushed the door handle, and went inside
But I heard Leo talking and turned around

"Kiara,freshen up,eat something, and come to my office,Ok ?"

If I don't forget



I looked at my watch 00:43
and sighed. It has been 3 hours. Where is this girl?
I told her to come to my office

I put down my glasses,got my things, and went straight to my room
I took a shower and changed it to my sweatpants and a hoodie

When I was done, I left my room and went to see Miss brat
We haven't even talked properly, and she already
made trouble

I opened her door slowly and quietly in case she was asleep and went inside only to see her binging, on pack of chips
She looked so unbothered
That she didn't even see me coming

She snapped her head at me, almost breaking her neck

"Why aren't you sleeping?"
I asked and sat on the bed next to her

"I'm used to staying up late, and I got hungry ."
She said and rubbed her eyes


"Humm...aren't you forgetting something "
I lifted my brow at her

She looked at me weirdly
I could see the confusion on her face

"I told you to come and meet me. "
She looked at me, and her eyes widened

"Oh,I'm sorry, Leo! I forgot."She said a little louder,panicking

"What I'm going to do with you,huh?"
I said and patted her head

"Let's go to bed them,and we will talk tomorrow."I told her and switched off the TV,and she winned

"That was my favorite show."

"Come on, lay down."
I grabbed her cover and tucked her in the bed with it

For the first time, I'm not angry when someone disobedient me

"Good night,little one,"
I told her and kissed her forehead

"Good night,Leo."


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