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I sighed for at least 20th time in the past hour, staring at the coffee table in front of me where my phone was blowing up with messages and calls

Guess that Leo couldn't stop them

I was sitting on the couch in the beautiful garden in the back of Anni's house

Yeah, I got myself a rich friend
She has at least 4 apartments
And I think two houses and one penthouse,
and I have visited all of them she even offered me to life in one of them, but I wanted to buy my own apartment

My thoughts were cut off by the 200 call from my brothers,
and I finally decided to answer the phone

Before I could even say Hi!
Jeremy's shouting filled my ear
"Where the fuck are you?!"
He rarely gets angry,so I couldn't help myself but flinch from his loud voice

But I didn't answer I kept my mouth shut
I want to see how far they can go
But before I could think more about my evil plan another voice shouted at me and it was non other than Kyle
"Kiara?can you hear me,why are you not home?" He said surprisingly soft

Well I was more than surprised actually,I thought that he was going to be the worst and shout to me for being stupid for leaving unexpectedly

I don't know if I should be happy or scared for my life when I show up in front of him
Well we will see

I then decided to talk with them to erase their worries a little bit
"Guys I'm fine,I'm still alive and I eat a whole big ass burger two hours ago" I said and I heard someone's scoff on the phone
Then was followed with some rustling and whispering

Then my dear twin sweetly asked me
"Sweetheart,can you tell your big brother where you are?"
I immediately rolled my eyes from his attempts to manipulate me

But please everyone knew that I'm smarter than that
"We are the same age,"big brother" I said sarcastically
And smirked to myself

"I'am" he said and I rolled my eyes again
"Yeah by 3 seconds!" I said
He is starting to annoy me
"Exactly,o l d e r " he said spelling the word older so that I could hear him clearly

"Guys look! Is not a big deal, and I already talked with Leo, and he let me go. " I said, and now that I said his name, I wonder if he is there with them
"By the way,where is he?" I asked them curiously
"Well, he is taking a nap. Don't worry about him,instead, tell me where you are before I track your phone down and bring you here unwillingly. "
Lorenzo said And how did he dear threaten me

I hate it when people try to order me around
Well, that was a good call

"I will come back whenever I want,now bye," I said, and before anyone could start talking, I hung up and turned my phone off

I sighed
Was I too harsh on them?Are they mad at me?
Well, they're definitely furious with me
And I should probably try to check on Leo. Somehow



To say that I was furious was the least
I felt so angry and frustrated that I wanted to burn the house down
I was more angry with our stupidity. I knew that we shouldn't have rushed her this much, but we were too blinded by our excitement that we got her back

We should have sat down and talked things out and asked her questions about her life without us and then ate dinner and laughed all night at our baby photos and recalled old memories

But no!

We decided to be overprotective freaks and overwhelm her with rules and stuff that she shouldn't have
But somehow, I couldn't blame us fully she basically agreed in living with us and as much as we tried to we couldn't help but to see her as our 7 years old toddler that was attached to the core to us and would manipulate us with her puppy eyes to buy her chocolate chip cookies
Every single day

And I was surprised when I got to know that she had forgotten about us
Well, not fully, but still enough to make me regret calling myself her brother

We shouldn't have let her alone that night
I was supposed to sleep with her that night but I had work and I came a lot later that I expected back them and they took the chance and walked into her room and took her away

And I will never forgive myself for that

And now she came back as this gorgeous 18 years old woman resembling our father and oldest brother futures along with her twin that shared the same futures

It was so hard to recognize them when they were babies because they were both with short hair, making them look exactly the same, but we somehow got used to it and were able to recognize them without any struggle

It was simply
Kiara was the smiley,sweetest baby, and Allan, the grumpy, brat one. He was worse than Kyle, and yeah, I remember what a brat he used to be when he was younger

Well, he still acts like a brat sometimes but is somehow more mature and thoughtful of his decisions

And back to Kiara
The moment Leo said to us that she left the house,It felt like I was getting a déjà vu
And my heart sank each time I remembered that day
But we caused this, and we have to fix it

What if someone kidnaps her  again and she disappears for another 10 years
No! I don't think that I will survive this time

Well, we have been calling and texting her constantly for the past 1 hour while Leo was "asleep" upstairs. I don't know what exactly the twins did to him, but he hasn't shown up since he told us that he let our little sister go out of the house and move out temporary

Also, I knew that he won't spare them after he got to know about our plan to bring Kiara back. Actually, he won't spare any of us

But it's worth the sacrifice


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