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I walked anxiously,down the stairs,with my fourth oldest brother and my twin behind me
And I started feeling even more anxious when we stopped in front of the door
Where my eldest brothers were,waiting for us,more like waiting for me

I haven't seen Jeremy since I left the house a few days ago,
Leo was half responsible for my escaping, and Kyle
Well, he only talked with me when him and Allan appeared in my workplace, and I fell asleep on him

"Ara!" Enzo shouted at me when he saw me still standing at the door
"Coming!" I shouted back at him,and with one last deep breath,I entered the kitchen and sat down on my chair, and everyone looked at me,

I hate being the center of attention

"Finally,what took you so long?" Enzo said,half annoyed with me,because Leo told him to wait for me

I didn't answer him, and I focused myself on finding the salt
And just when I spotted it,an arm grabbed it before me, and I pulled my hand back immediately

"Here," Jeremy said blankly and tossed the salt towards me
"Thanks," I said back and started eating

After twenty minutes of eating in complete silence
I was done with my dinner and excused myself from the table and sat on the couch in the living room

I was bored, so I decided to watch a random film,I didn't even know the name of it,but I got so engrossed in it,that I didn't realize that the boys were sitting with me,

"Kiara," someone said,and poked my cheek, I turned towards that someone and glared at him, for disturbing my movie night,then turned towards the TV again

Jeremy then stood up from the couch and croached in front of me, and I looked at him, confused
"Kiara,look at me," he said seriously, and I looked at him straight in the eyes
"Why didn't you talk with us?"
He said
"About what?" I asked, confused
" Oh well, how disappearing without telling me sounds?"
He said sarcastically
"Us too!" Allan shouted, and Jeremy glared at him
"Shut up,"

I giggled a little, and Allan winked at me
"You didn't answer my question?" Jeremy said,
"No,reason," I said blankly, and they all looked confused
"No,reason really?"
"No,I just wanted some time alone," I said simply, and Kyle suddenly stood up and stormed upstairs

That didn't go as planned

"He was just worried about you,Ari, we all were." Enzo said and looked at me sympathetically

"Except Leonardo,he knew where you were this whole time," Allan started whining, and Leo slapped his head and turned towards me
"Go and talk with Kyle." I nodded and went upstairs

Here goes nothing


I'm disappointed, in both Kiara and me,and the others she could have talked with us,we could have solved the problem,but no she decided to leave,and I didn't do anything to stop her,no one did,even Leo,who was the most protective of her

Believe it or not,he is more overprotective than me,but he doesn't like to show it

She looked happy when she came to life with us in the mansion,but I feel like she didn't want to move in with us. It was too soon,I somehow knew that we rushed her and didn't really listen to her opinion

But no one of us wanted to believe that she was eighteen
a legal adult,and that she could fend for herself and not rely on us for everything,like she did when she was little

We were too excited to meet with our baby that we forgot that she had already become a woman

I was still deep in thoughts when the door opened, and Kiara popped her head through the door

"What are you doing her?" I asked her,and she just walked inside my room and sat on the bed next to me


I sat on the bed next to Kyle and looked at his angry face,
What am I supposed to say now?

I have an idea....


"Ka- "

"No," he said harshly, and I pointed. Well, here goes my plan

I sighed

"Look, Kyle, I'm sorry." I said, and he looked at me blankly
I'm starting to get annoyed

"Ok,tell me, what do you want then?" I asked him,and he turned his head to look at me

He chuckled
"What do I want?" He said and inhaled sharply,then continued

"I want you to talk with me?" He told me, and I looked at him, confused

Is he stupid?

"What? Do you want me to bark or something?" I said, and he slapped his forehead
"No,you can use your brain sometimes." He said and flicked my nose


"If something is bothering you,feel free to come to me or anyone else of the boys,we can talk it out." He said and looked at me softly

"But,I did talk to Leo." I said and looked at him,with a little smile

This is getting funny now

"Well,for your information, he can't be that strict with you and would get you whatever you want,so you can use your dog eyes and manipulate him,"  He said and winked at me

"It's called puppy eyes,not dog eyes." I told him,and he rolled his eyes and stood up from the bed

"Where are you going?" I asked him,
"Out," he said, while putting on his watch,
"Soo.. that means that I'm forgiven." I asked him and looked at his face with my innocent eyes

Well, not that innocent

"No," he said simply,then ruffled my hair and left

"That,trucker." I said and went to steal,his clothes



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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