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We were all waiting for Kiara to arrive in our hotel's garden,and finally take her back home, where she belongs
With us

I looked at my watch and saw that the clock had just turned
21:15, she was supposed to be here at 21:00

Where the hell is she?

But as everyone else was talking,I felt eyes watching me and looked up
And I couldn't help myself but let out a tear to slip from my eye

She was here Kiara,stood in front of me in all her glory
And the others probably saw that I wasn't paying attention to them,and fucking started crying ,so they were now just as shocked as me looking at our not so little sister anymore

I couldn't wait anymore and jumped from my seat with unseen excitement
And bought her in a bone crushing hug when I finally reached her

"Kiara," I said, still unsure if this is real
"Hi,Kyle" She said softly and that thought that she doesn't remember me was long forgotten



Kyle still had me wrapped in his arms and I'm sure that I haven't felt more happy and safe at the same time in my whole sixteen years of life
But I guess that this is the feeling of having a family

And family
Family is the most precious and Important thing that someone can have and I think that I found mine now

But as I was daydreaming again
I was suddenly ripped off of Kyle and brought in another bear hug

Why did my brothers have to be this strong?

"I can't breathe." I managed to let out some words

I have a feeling that I will be dead from lack of oxygen by the end of this dinner

"You will suffocate her,"
"Let her go, Allan."
Wait? Allan?

I wiggled around a little, and surprisingly, the person let go of me, and I was finally able to see this Allan person properly

As I lifted my head, I was met with the same eyes as mine
Like exactly the same
I looked at him from head to toe, and I could already tell that we are possibly twins

He looked at me weirdly as he already knew what I was thinking
"We are twins,Ara," He said
And I looked at him with my eyes widening

How could I forget my twin?
What happened?
Why I don't remember ?

"Ok,why don't we introduce ourselves?" One of my brothers said .It was one of the guys that I saw in the cafe. What was his name?
Oh, Leonardo!
Wait! Leo?

Then he suddenly spread his arms out and said
"I'm Leonardo, the oldest here," I don't know what happened, but I suddenly felt the need to hug him
And I jumped in his arms and
he almost fell because of me

We soon broke the hug, and I smiled at him and looked at the person next to him who had a huge grin on his face
"I'm Jeremy,the second oldest brother."
I looked at him and chuckled
I thought that he was the youngest

We shared a long, warm hug, and I heard him whisper in my ear
"You are finally here,"

We let go of each other, and I turned around to see the same person as Kyle

More twins, I assume?

He then lifted me up of the ground, and I squealed
Then I heard giggles around me. I guess that I looked funny

He finally decided to put me down, and I felt dizzy the moment I stepped on the ground,but I managed to stabilize myself with my brother's shoulders

"I'm Lorenzo,Enzo for short. I'm Kyle's twin," he said and smirked at Kyle's annoyed face

I big smile wiggled its way in my face and decided to introduce myself too even though they already knew my name

"I am Kiara,"


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