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After a lot of worried talks
The toddler was finally asleep, but her little stomach was again empty

She completely ignored her parents and brothers, scolding  her for not eating and fell asleep
Due to exhaustion

Her brothers and parents were seated in the living room on the couch

And we're waiting for someone to come

They were all worried for the oldest brother reaction they all knew that he was going to steal her from them once he is back
And were extremely jealous of that fact

But he tends to get very worried when it comes to things like this, especially
If it comes to Kiara

While they all were deep in thoughts

They heard big footsteps coming towards them, and they immediately stopped talking and looked at the door

Leonardo comed through the door,with an angry look on his face

He looked at everyone in front of him and shaked his head

Them turned around and left towards His room to change his clothes

He couldn't believe that they didn't tell him and let this happen,

His baby girl haven't eaten in days, and they are telling him now

He quickly changed into sweatpants and t-shirt
And went to Kiara's bedroom, which was right next to his

He quietly entered and saw her sleeping he sighed he was now relieved when he saw her safe and sound

But still, he couldn't leave her sleep on an empty stomach

She had to eat something

Leo lay down on the bed next to her and pulled her into his chest, and kissed her forehead

She stirred in her sleep
"Come on, princess, wake up."
He whispered

The little girl opened her eyes and yawned,but jumped immediately when she heard her brother's voice
"Leo!You back!"

She excitedly shouted, and then hugged him

"Hey,princesse, how are you, baby?"
he said, smiling at her excitement

"Kiki,missed Leo"
She said quietly in his chest

"Really?I missed my Princess Kiara, too,"
He said and hugged her tighter to him

"Leo,I'm hungry,"she said in her tiny voice

The brother looked at the tiny baby and sighed

"And,why is that?"
He questioned her
"Cause I'm hungry"
She looked at him with her puppy eyes

But he wasn't convinced
He wanted to hear the truth from her

"Humm,but I little bird told me that you didn't want to eat because of me?"
Kiara looked up at him and squished his cheeks with her tiny hands

Leo looked at her amusingly
"Who,tod you that?"
She said in her baby voice

Leo was trying not to melt from innocence
But he held himself from doing it

He wanted to make her learn that things like starving are not good

"It doesn't matter who told me baby, why did you do that,huh? Do you want to make me sad? Do you want Leo King to cry?"
The little girl looked at her brother with teary eyes

She didn't want to make him sad. She just missed him a lot

Leo saw that she was on the verge of crying and pinched her cheek, then kissed her forehead

"Promise me that you will never do something like that again?Ok?"
He looked at her sternly



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