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Me and Anni were now roaming around the mall for 3 hours straight, and I could feel my legs giving up

"Can't we go and sit already?" I asked her,and she turned towards me

"Ok,but you are buying the food,case I spended all my money on clothes for both of us, by the way, and they are so cool!" She said and started jumping up and down

How can she jump with that many bags,I don't have any idea

"Fine,let's go. I'm starving."
I said and dragged her to the food court

"What are we going to eat?"
I looked around and spotted KFC and pointed towards it

"KFC? Oh hell yeah, " She said, and we went there


We were now stuffing our mouths with burgers,

And we were talking about things when Anni got an incredible idea

"Don't you miss boxing?"

I looked at her and sighed
"Of course,it was the only thing that kept me sane,back them

"Did your brothers know about the fights?" She said and took a seep from her coffee

"No,I'm still waiting for the perfect time to tell them, and I will probably never get out of the house again." I rolled my eyes, and Anni chuckled

"Why do you keep saying that?" She asked me

"Cause they are so overwhelming and are annoying sometimes,especially Leo
He isn't giving me my car keys back," I said and scoffed

"Really?" She said and tried to hide her laugh but I caught her and glared at her

"Yeah,but I love them," I said and smiled

Anni chuckled and shaked her head


We were now heading to the car, ready to go home when Anni suddenly stopped and turned around

I looked at her confused

"Why did you stop?" I asked her

"Why don't we go and train a little?" She said and smirked at me

"Are you crazy?! If my brothers get to know, we will be dead. " I said

"Oh, come on!You are not fun," She winned

I want to go so bad, but if Leo gets to know about this, he will personally kill me


It's worth the risk

"Let's go!" I said and pushed her towards the car

"Oh yeah," She said excitedly, and we drove off the parking


The night we met Where stories live. Discover now