forever asleep

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A/N: Well I'm new here and this is my first fanfic so.. yeah.
I actually spun the wheel to decide which character plays which role because I just couldn't decide. That's why is Alby detective and Teresa is his sidekick or whatever.

- someone's gonna die (obviously)
- maybe cursing at the end
- no smut
- eh... probably a bit of fluff at the end?
- I'd say that one more time every character belongs to James Dashner not me




"Thomas," Ava shouted as she strode up the stairs to the bedroom, where her husband slept. "Thomas, dear. Frypan just announced that dinner's ready."

At the moment she was already on top of the stairs. She reached her hand to open the door of their bedroom.

And she did.

She saw her lovely husband, who was still asleep.

"Thomas," she asked, with voice full of hope. No answer. Ava carefully walked to him and sat on the side of their bed, right next to Thomas, and left the soft kiss on his cheek.

She rubs him lightly, but his husband doesn't even flinch.

"Thomas," repeats, a bit louder then before and rub him more, again and again (she even pinched him once). But nothing worked.

Ava was all in a worry. She was about to cry, the panic was about to start controling her body.

As much voice as she had left, she called the others, and everyone showed up in the room immediately. Zart frowned in confusion and disbelief; Minho and Frypan's eyes widened in shock as they the two of them saw Ava's fearful face expression.

Zart was the first one who was able to unfroze himself; he ran to Thomas' seemingly unalive body, quickly. He closed his eyes, while puting his two fingers on Thomas' neck. Everyone knew what he was trying to figure out.

Just a thought about that, made Ava feel sick.

Zart opens his eyes, slowly. The shadow of sadness covered his face.

"H- he's dead," was all he had to say that make Ava lost her footing. She would hit the floor, if loyal Frypan wouldn't caught her.

With her side eye she saw, how Minho ran downstairs. Ava knew he went to call the police.

She felt hands under her; Frypan was carrying her downstairs, carefully.

He sat her on the chair in the dining room. On the large table right next to her, was food. That was supposed to be their dinner.

The dinner that was supposed to happen with Thomas. She mumbled Frypan to take the food back to the kitchen.

If they were hungry before, they aren't anymore.

Especially not Ava.



The familiar ticking of the clock echoed through the corridor of the police station. Alby had to admit it was pretty annoying. Maybe it was because of all the stress, covering his whole body, who knows? He had to come to the station earlier than usual, because his boss called him. That's why he didn't have enough time to drink his morning coffee.

His right leg was shaking nervously up and down, while waiting to be called in the Sonya's office.

"Oh, good morning, Alby, sir," Teresa, one of the police officers, greeted him. She had a cup of coffee in her hand, in the cup was obviously coffee, which Alby didn't drink this morning.

"Morning, Teresa. What are you doing here," Alby asked her slightly confused, when she sits down next to him.

She laughs in response: "I could ask you the same."

"Sergeant, called me."

"Really? She called me too." Teresa says.

Then the doors open. When a young Blond girl sees Alby and Teresa already waiting outside, she invites them in.

"Well as you already know - or maybe not, - I called both of you in my office at the same time for the same reason."

Alby and Teresa wide their eyes. What was that supposed to mean?

"Don't worry. I'll do it quickly, because we don't have much time. Teresa, I realized that you are doing your job very satisfactorily. That's why I decided to promote you."

Teresa's eyes light up: "Really? Thank you so much!"

"Don't thank me. I'm just making the decisions. It was your hard work that paid off," Sonya smiles, proudly.

Then she glances at Alby, who can't hold his need to speak up: "But- I don't understand. What's that supposed to do with me?"

"Well, Alby, I'm glad that you asked that. I promoted Teresa to your, hmm, right hand with your detective investigations. You two will work as a team."

"What," They both asked surprisingly.

Sonya frowns, because of shouting. Which makes Alby start to apologize: "I'm apologizing but.... That gets me- us unprepared."

"Is that really necessary?" Teresa asks carefully. She's looking in Sonya's eyes, and trying her best to not look at alby.

"No it's not, but I decided that way."

Now it was Alby's turn to speak up: "Mrs. Sergeant, Teresa and I really don't get along pretty well.... as the partners should."

Sonya - to Alby and Teresa's shock - nods: "I know. That's why I did this. You know the cops goal isn't just 'solving cases' and 'arresting the perpetrators'. To be able to do these, you need to have a good relationship with your colleagues to make it easier for you.Everyobe else is getting along kinda well, but you two. That might become useful to you in the future."

"But-" Alby begins to object, but Sonya shakes her head.

"No, Alby. That's how is going to be. Until further notice, you will be partners. Alby you've been pretty overwhelmed lately and need some help. And as far as I know, you two have another case to solve right now."

Alby had already opened his mouth to object once more when he realized what Sonya had said. She was right about you-are-overwhelmed thing. But that's not what bothered him. "What case?"

He looked at Teresa but she seemed as confused as him.

"Oh, so you don't know yet. Right before I called you two in the office, we received a call. Something serious has happened," Sergeant explained.

Teresa and Alby share a look.

"Murder?" Teresa asked. Exactly Alby's thoughts.

"Maybe. Someone fell asleep and didn't wake up again. I don't know if it was a murder, it could be the death of natural causes, but you never really know. We better go check it out. I already sent Clint, to identify the body. Two more policemen went with them." Sonya shrugs.

Everything was surrounded by silence when Teresa suddenly speaks up: "Let's go then." She turned and left Sonya's office.

Alby reluctantly followed her.


Ok finally done!
English is not my first language so please correct me :)
I'll try to write the 2nd one as soon as possible!
Byeee <3

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