Who did it?

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^This is the dining room in Thomas's house. Also they would be here whole this chapter.
Anyways... Enjoy :)


"We're here to finally answer the question that's been bothering us ever since that awful day Ava Paige found her dead husband. A lot of people would think it would be pretty easy given that there aren't many suspects and that a lot of people had motives for murder. Well that's far from the truth. I dare say that this was one of the most difficult and painful cases I have ever investigated."

Alby looked around the room. He saw Minho Park, sitting on a chair as he watched the detective. Next to him there was a Blonde boy, the one who Alby saw in the cafe one day. He was probably the guy who talked - and helped, - Teresa. She said she would bring him in anyway even if he wasn't considered as a suspect. Still, he needed to know what happened to his friend. Ava Paige and Janson Smith were sitting right behind them. Zart Williams was next to Janson Smith, but they weren't sitting as close as they were with Ava Paige. Sigmund Hollyson and Ben Dover were also sitting nearby. There were other police officers in the room. Not much, just Aris, Harriet, Rachel and of course Teresa, his partner at work.

"But still, I somehow managed to resolve it enough to know most of it. I know, who killed Thomas. I wasn't sure at first, it was just a theory. I asked my fellow colleagues to find out a few things and then I realized that my theory was correct."
"Now I'm 100% sure that the killer killed Thomas Clark in this house. And that he/she is one of you."

A whisper rose among the suspects. Alby raised his hand to silence them.

He continues: "My first question besides »who is the murderer?« was also »how did he/she kill the victim?«. We did not notice any wounds on the victim, so it seemed that he died naturally in his sleep. But that wasn't true. Someone killed him. One of you."

Silence falls across the room. "How? How is that possible? How could a murderer be one of us? I thought you said we all have a solid Alibi, because of cameras or witnesses. Did you lie to us?"

"No, Mrs. Paige. I didn't. And you all really did have an Alibi. But someone's alibi turned out to be fake. I will talk about how the murder was carried out later, right after I break down who it was. But first, I'd like to get the thing that killed Mr. Clark. Teresa?"

Teresa quickly appeared next to him; there was an evidence bag in her hand with a pillow in it.

"The killer killed the victim while he was asleep, but you already knew that. He used your pillow, Mrs. Paige, pressed it against Thomas's face, suffocating him."

Alby goes silent, probably for a better effect.

"Isn't that right, Zart Williams," he said dramatically and everyone knew what he meant.

Zart was playing dumb: " Ehm... yeah, I guess. I mean, you're the detective, aren't you?"

"I am. But I had to ask for your opinion, Mr. Williams. I think you should know that best. Unless your memory is tricking you up a bit."

Everyone around him looked at Zart with horror in their eyes.

"Oh, come on, you really believe him? Guys, you know me! I never held any grudges against Thomas. Ever," he makes excuses. But Alby knew the truth.

"Never? Are you sure?"

Zart already opened his mouth to speak up when Alby cut him.

"Because the evidence, my dear, says otherwise. Thomas must have made you so angry once, you wanted to kill him. He could have planned the murder for months. Probably even years!"

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