A murder? A murder.

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"... And that one night Ava convinced, she doesn't love Thomas anymore. Somehow we found ourselves in bed together. In the morning Thomas found us and he was furious. He was shouting at me like crazy, and I was shouting at him. I don't remember much, it all happened so fast in such a short amount of time. Tears were falling down the cheeks, swear words were hitting each of us. I remember we argued about Ava, too. I thought he treated her like a trash. I still think that."

Alby and Teresa were left out of words. The first detective, who managed to find the courage to speak again was Alby. Of course it was him. Somehow he was made for the job of a detective.

"So you two had a fight ... when? Two weeks before Thomas' death?"

"Indeed." Janson agreed.

His voice was slightly scaring Teresa. It was calm and relaxed, but cold as ice.

Janson decided to continue. He leaned back in his chair, with his gaze somewhere in the distance. "Listen, I know that everybody says that, but I didn't kill Thomas. I was angry with him, I confessed. But I would never kill him. And even if I did him, – which I didn't, – guilt would eat me alive, like cancer eats an infected person from the inside. I couldn't bear it."

He paused for a moment and then continued again. Now his glare was jumping from Alby to Teresa.

"Besides that, I have an information about Thomas that could help you find a murderer – if there is one.

"What information?" Teresa was surprised. She was very curious about it.

Janson smiles wryly: "Well, Thomas was very concerned about who would inherit his fortune if he died."

But when je sees Alby's suspicious look, he quickly adds: "I found that out the morning we had a fight."

"... Wasn't he going to give it to his wife?" Teresa asks confused.

"Seems like it. He wasn't going to give it to any friends, either. He didn't want to give it to his parents, and he had just one brother and even that one left him Ang went who knows where, so Thomas barely knew him."

Alby and Teresa share a glance.

"Did Ava know about this?"

"About what? The fact that he didn't want to give her even a little bit of his money? Probably. But if she didn't know until then, she certainly did after our argument. It was pretty loud."

Teresa nods. "Did you see him again after the fight?"

Janson shakes his head. "No. Not even Ava."

"Anything else?" Alby asks while he writes the newly acquired information in the notebook.

"Not for now. I will contact you if there will be." He grins with his creepy calm smile.

And just like that the two detectives head back to the car. Now it was more likely that it was Ava. Or Janson.

And then Alby's phone rings. The detective answers immediately.

Teresa struggled to hear what they were talking about, or at least who Alby was talking to. But all she could hear were just Alby's "Mhm" in "okay" every five seconds.

Then he just hangs up and starts the car. "Who was it? What's happening?" Teresa asked. She hated the feeling when she didn't know anything.

"It was Harriet. She got a lot of new news." Alby answers looking at the street.

"Oooooo, what did she say?"

"She said she was calling on Clint's behalf. He said that Thomas didn't have any heart disease that could kill him. He was healthy as a fish." He was still staring blankly at the road. His voice was a bit stressed out.

"What does that mean now?" The cop was still a bit confused.

Alby looks at her for a moment, and that was all she needed to know what he had in mind. But she by herself didn't want to confess that. She wanted to hear it from his mouth, just in case she was wrong.

Alby answered, still looking at the road with his voice, shaking: "That means he was murdered, Teresa. Someone was trying to kill him, and he success.

"You'll have to tell them eventually."

Minho sighed and rested the phone on the other ear. "I know. But I don't want the cops bothering you."

"No one really wants that, Min. But maybe I'll have an information about him, they haven't discovered yet. Maybe I could help them find a murderer."

Minho let out a long, desperate sigh. "I know you do. I want to know who it is too."

"I thought you hated him. Was I wrong?"

Minho laughs slightly. "I still do hate him. He was a greedy and spoiled guy. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't care if he dies."

"You've a good heart, Min."

"Pfft, tell me something I don't know," Minho said jokingly.

"I'm serious, Minho. Stay as you are."

"I'll try."


"... Tell me, how's Chuck?"

"He's doing good. I still didn't tell him about- well you know... Incident."

"I'm sure he would understand."

"I know he would. That's what I'm scared of. I'm worried, he won't be able to handle the loss. His parents left him, he doesn't have any siblings and now his only uncle died. He's going to be completely alone."

Minho could taste a worry in the voice on the other side of the line. "He won't be alone. He has you. You are a parent to him. He doesn't even need any siblings. And as for Thomas .... Well. Be there for Chuck and give him another hug for me, okay?"

"Aww how did Min become so lovely trough a night?"

Asian rolls his eyes. "Oh shut up, will ya?"

"I'm already quiet.."

"So you'll come after all?"

"Yes. Tomorrow will be there. Then I will go talk to the police about the case."

"Where would you leave Chuck?"

"... I thought you could take care of him.."

"Oh! Ye- yeah, yeah, yeah! Okay. Fine. See you then, okay? Let me know how he'll react to the news."

He was about to hang up the call, when the same British voice interrupted him again. "I will. And... Min?"


"I really respect how honest you are with Tommy. Even if he wasn't really honest with you, you're still trying for him. Really appreciate it."

And with that he hangs up.

"I know you do, Newt, oh hell I know." He says out loud. Even though the words were meant for Newt, he knew the boy couldn't hear him. But he said them out loud anyway. The feeling was good.


Okay this one is shorter. But it's really Important, too. Or maybe not. Who knows? ╮(   ͡⁠°ᴗ  ͡⁠°⁠)╭
Sorry for forbidden grammar mistakes, I didn't read the text again so it is what it is. But I'll fix it if I notice some of them.
I have kind of a plan where this is going and I also think this story will have like 7 or 8 chapters and the Epilog. So .... Yeah. Till we meet again, I guess. <3

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