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It was already evening at that time, and the sun was ready to go down. After being rewarded with praise from their boss, all of the police officers agreed to go ice cream and a walk.

"But that was a problematic case. I thought Alby was going to tear his hair out of the stress," Teresa says.

"What hair?" Alby asks.

Everyone laughs, including Alby.

He remembered the day when Sonya decided for them to be police partners. Before that they never actually talked to each other. They thought they were just too different to be friends. Teresa had a more optimistic, bright personality, while Alby has always been seen as the ever-official, more... gray-colored serious detective who's married to his job. But it was this difference that connected them the most. At least for Alby. He needed someone with a brighter and more optimistic view of the world than him. Almost something as ying yang.

"I can't believe you actually cracked the case, Alby. I could never," mentions Aris.

Teresa smiles at Aris. They had been spending a lot of time together lately, and Alby began to suspect that something was going on between them. But he could also be wrong and Teresa in Aris saw each other just as good friends and nothing else.

Then Rachel comes in with a reproachful voice saying: "Eh, Guys? Do I have to remind you that I was the one who flipped the switch in Alby's head? So, technically, I am the one who solved the case."

Of course, during this, a smile rested on her face, which reassured the others that she was only teasing and that she meant nothing bad.

"Um, no you didn't!" Teresa speaks up, who decides to take the train of that joke and let it go on, "I was the one who truly solved it. In the beginning I already said, I thought it's a battler."

"Yeah you thought, but Alby knew." Aris said, elbowing her in the hip. She returned it as she rubbed strawberry ice cream against his face.

"Ew! I don't even like ice cream!" Aris complained.

That's why he didn't want any ice cream in the first place, Alby thought.

"Who the hell doesn't like ice cream?" Rachel asks in horror as Aris wipes his ice cream with his sleeve. But the problem was that he didn't wipe it off. It was even worse, to which Rachel joins Teresa's laughter.

"What is it? What's so funny?? Do I still have ice cream on my face?" He asked, frowned.

Teresa carefully studies his face and slowly shrugs in a teasing, falsely innocent voice, "No, you're as clean as a tear."

Rachel leans into her ear and whispers: "yes as an ice cream tear, he really is!"

"Hey!" Aris says with fake hurt, catching Rachel's words.

Alby watches with amusement a small fight between his friends. Hm ... friends. The word describe them in the best way possible and he was extremely happy that he found them.

"How about we just toast to all of us," Alby suggests.

"With ice creams?" Aris asks, still rubbing Teresa's ice cream from his face.

Rachel rolls her eyes: "No, with glass full of sand, of course with ice cream!

Then Aris looks at Rachel. He runs his finger across his - still ice cream stained - cheek and rubs it against Rachel's face.

Teresa and Alby inhale shocked when Rachel says: "Oh, no, you did not! "

Then Aris runs into the sea up to his knees, without taking off his clothes or at least rolling his pants up. Rachel dies the same and runs to him right after she hands Teresa the ice cream and says: "Don't you dare, eating it!"

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