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Urgh, was his first thought as he put the papers down. They had everything, but at the same time nothing. How could a murderer even kill a victim? All the suspects had pretty solid Alibis.

We must miss something here... but WHAT?  This question had been bothering him since yesterday. He made his morning coffee and sat down in his chair. His coffee already went cold, because he forgot about it.

"Sometimes I think maybe it's the coffee that makes you irritable," The voice of the boss, who has just entered work, is heard.

Alby laughed: "I admit that I may be a little obsessed with drinking coffee. And maybe one of the causes is stress. But most of the work does this case."

Sonya nods with agreement. He then bids the detective a polite farewell and leaves the room, heading to her office.

Alby sighes. There was a lot of work still waiting for him. And thinking.

"Hahah, no Aris you aren't doing this correctly! Here, let me show you—"

"Fine. But even now I think that I'm doing it more correctly."

There is a faint sound of plastic hitting plastic.

After that light laugh.

And then: "Oh, god, how could you be so good at it!?"

"Who knows, knows."

"Let me guess; a wizard never reveals his secret?"

Two voices echoed in the air right at Alby's ears. He couldn't unhear them. Aris and Rachel were obviously in the main room and Alby's office was right next door so everything could be heard.

"No. It's more: a practice makes the master if the master does the practice. Now c'mon master, the practice is waiting!"

The curiosity takes control at Alby, who finally gives up and gets up.

"How generous of you, really."

He enters the room to see Aris rolling is eyes while Rachel is talking to him: "Was that sarcastic!?  But... yes. I consider myself a very generous person."

Alby can also notice some sort of plastic game lying on the table right in front of Aris and Rachel.

"What the heck are you two doing," asks more curiously than angry.

They both look at him blankly. "Oh hello, Sir. Sorry we didn't know you were here." Aris says slowly.

The detective scratches the back of his head awkwardly. "Well yeah I came a but earlier today. Never mind. What are you doing?"

Aris looks at the plastic game and shrugs as if the game is just passing by: "Ah, nothing we are just playing board game with Rachel."

Rachel sneers, looking at Alby and then he says to Aris: "You're losing against me."

Aris blushes in an embarrassment: "That's not true."

"Yes it is."

Alby sighs again.

"Why are you two playing with a plastic game at work?"

Rachel raises a finger in disapproval.

"Nah-ah. Our shift starts in ten minutes. So technically we are not at work yet. Besides that, this isn't a »plastic game«, Sir, it's a Board game."

"And at the moment Aris is losing. Nothing new," she adds.

Aris rolled his eyes again. Then try to play and something flies on the table.

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