His confidant

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Pacing up and down the evidence room won't help. He knew that. But he just couldn't stay still. He was right.

All that time.

Someone killed Thomas. But who? And why exactly? How?

None of them exactly knew who was the murderer. They just had some suspects, that's all. Maybe it wasn't any of them.

The reason why would someone try to kill him could be two things: Money, or love. Maybe both.

How someone had killed him was still a complete mystery to him. He had no scratches, abrasions or bruises. There was no sign of him resisting at all. And Clint had said, he didn't have any heart disease. Not even any internal damage. Nothing. As the young doctor said; healthy as a fish.

"Sir," Rachel bursts into the room panting, which means she ran. It seemed like she had something important to tell.

"What is it," he asks.

"Clint needs you. He had found something in the victims stomach!"

In the blink of an eye, Alby was there. Maybe was Thomas poisoned! God, how didn't he think of this before!

Soon he was in the morgue. Thomas was lying on the table. Well his body was. Clint was just washing his hands, when  Alby entered.

He then looks at him and widens his eyes and awkwardly stumbles to the corpse. "Oh, you're already here. Well, the victim's stomach was being examined, and when I thought that I wouldn't find anything, I did  found something interesting. It was already quite digested, but I could figure out what it was."

He carefully took (with medical gloves) a white circle-like thing from the metal tray. It kinda looked like...

"A pill?"

Clint noded. "Seems like it. At first I thought there was nothing special about it, because everyone takes some medical pills or tablets at the time.. But I check it just in case, and I'm glad I did. It was taken 2 hours before well.. his death, I suppose."

Alby thought about it. It took him a second to digest everything Clint said.

"So he took it right before his 'rest'."

Clint nods focused trying to find the right words. "As far as I could tell, it's a sleeping pill. He took more then one, I'm sure about it."

"You think he could die because he took them too much? Could that kill him?"

Alby was still aware that Thomas could commit suicide.

"... I'm not sure. I don't think he took that much. Just enough to really put him into deep sleep. I think the cause of death was something else."

Alby nods. He went up again to the room where he was before.

He decided to repeat what motives and alibis did the suspects had.

Minho: motive money, alibi solid. greenhouse, alone.

Zart: motive is unknown, alibi solid.
Kitchen with Frypan.

Ben: motive is unknown, the alibi isn't solid.

Janson: motive love, alibi solid.
His house, far away.

Ava: motive money and love, alibi isn't solid.

Frypan: motive unknown, alibi solid.
In the kitchen with Zart.

Janson wasn't even in the city when it happened, so he couldn't do it. Even though Ava cheated on Thomas with him, even though Thomas yelled at him, he couldn't kill him even if he wanted to.

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