not so innocent as he seems to be

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He was woken up by a scorching sun.

Alby was driving himself to work today, which meant he might have time to drink his morning coffee.

He changed as fast as he could in his usual detective uniform. He brushed his teeth and practically ran to his car.

He ate his breakfast really rarely since he really didn't like to eat anything in the mornings. But he always wanted to drink something. Something as... well, coffee.


He needed coffee.

Yesterday he didn't even get a sip of it, because of his boss-call, and a new case. Even when he finally reached home he didn't drink it a bit. He was just too tired to think straight.

And because he didn't drink it yesterday he'll do it today. That's why he stopped at the Cafe. He bought a normal black coffee, with no sugar or milk in it, which the shopkeeper had given him before he even ordered anything. He wasn't surprised; he had been there so many times, all the workers in the Cafe knew his name. Well his name and, of course, his favorite type of coffee. Especially  his favorite type of coffee.

He felt much better after the first sip. Coffee really does miracles.


Knock knock knock.

Almost immediately the door opened in front of them with Zart's head peeking out.

"Police," he asked. It was more of a rhetorical question.

"... Can we come in?" Rachel asked doubtfully. Usually she was careful with asking questions. Although that was just the beginning. Then, later, she becomes more pushy with questions, that's why almost no one wants to work with her, except Aris.

"Wha- Yeah, sure. Of course." The battler opens the door and lets them in. "Would you like to have a drink? Tea? Juice? Water?"

Aris shakes his head: "No, thanks. We actually come to talk to someone."

".. I conclude that it's not about me, considering you two are looking for someone else?"

Rachel nods. "You're not wrong. Do you know if Minho is at work today?"

"Of course he is! He has to be. From morning to evening. Now, I think, he's in the dining room cleaning the table." Zart shrugs. Then he adds: "Do you want me to get him?"

"No, there's no need. We'll go find him."

"Alright, then. Do I have to show you where you have to go, or..?"

Aris and Rachel share a quick glance and then decline. Zart said goodbye and left to the wine cellar, to do... god knows what.

When they arrived in the dinning room, they soon noticed an Asian guy, who was wiping the table a bit too aggressively. If he noticed the police looking at him slightly confused, he didn't show that.

Then Aris coughs and Minho finally looks at them. "Looking for anyone?"

"No. Not anymore. We just found him." Says Aris and sits on a chair, motioning Minho to sit next to him. Minho sits on the chair even if he doesn't really want to. Rachel also sits down on the chair she earlier pulled over to them so they were sitting in a triangle shape.

Some seconds they were just quietly sitting and looking at each other or the floor.

Minho's patience wears thin as he says:

Aris and Rachel share a look, just for a second or two. But in that tiny moment of a glare, there was a huge battle over who would speak up first. To his relief, Aris won and Rachel started a conversation.

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