A thank you

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Louise put away some of her clothes and left her bathroom bag in the over sized en-suite, sometimes she thought Tony just threw money at people and said make it bigger. She lay down on the plush satin sheets and immediately began to drift off, when she woke an hour had passed and she felt refreshed. She then had a fantastic idea by her standards to say thank you to everyone she would make them all dinner, there was one slight problem, she didn't want to leave the tower alone. She steeled herself up eventually; she didn't want to ask Tony because it was he who she wanted to surprise. "Just grow some balls" she whispered to herself and knocked quickly on his door. She was about to run away when she heard rustling and figured she'd make more of a fool of herself if she left now. To say Bucky was surprised when he saw the brunette standing in his doorway was an understatement, he hadn't realised she'd need something so soon. "I was wondering if you would come with me to the shop" she asked quietly looking at her feet, he was about to ask why when she began to talk again. "I wanna say thank you to all of you for your help so I'm gonna cook a meal but I don't want Tony to know and I don't want to go by myself" she explained and Bucky nodded his eyes glowing with amusement. She didn't mean to but she made him feel about ten times happier whenever she talked, it was one of her many Bucky thought quite reasonable characteristics. She was petit but curvy and Bucky never noticed until this conversation how hazel her eyes actually were, he quickly pulled himself out of his head when he realised she was looking for an answer. Bucky didn't respond verbally, he just reached behind the door and grabbed his coat before offering her his arm, she took it and the two walked in amiable silence towards the elevator. When they got to the lobby Bucky grabbed her hand in his, he did it purely so he wouldn't lose her in the crowds as they walked down the street at least that's what he told himself. Louise got a shock when Bucky's warm hand clasped around her own, she looked up at him and he nodded outside, she realised then he was doing it because he didn't want to lose her, which made her feel almost as good as the hand holding hers did. They walked down the street hand in hand and Louise couldn't help the butterflies that fluttered around in her stomach. She kept her eyes out for a nice shop and when she found the one she was looking for she dragged Bucky in with her. "What do you need ma'am" he smiled down at her and much to her disappointment released her hand, "I need carrots, potatoes and parsnips, which are all really heavy so you can get them super soldier" she replied. He chuckled and nodded making his way down another aisle leaving Louise to find the meat, the herbs and some ingredients for a cheesecake. She went to the counter and asked for the usual amount of beef she got at home, the recipe was her aunts and although it wasn't strict on some things there were other things you couldn't measure wrong. She had just turned down the aisle where she had seen mascarpone cheese earlier when she felt the hair at the back of her neck stand on end. She shook herself, she was just nervous after what had happened earlier but she became more anxious to find Bucky. She took her head out of the fridge and froze when she saw Dylan standing at the end of the aisle, she quickly backed away keeping her eyes on him. As she moved he moved towards her, Louise couldn't keep this up she quickly turned on her heal and ran to the end of the aisle smacking into another shopper. "Hey Doll where's the fire" he chuckled but when he saw the look on her face he stopped, "where?" he asked immediately. She pointed behind her and quickly buried her head into his chest, he didn't respond at first but she heard her ingredients hit the floor and a pair of strong arms wrapped around her back. She felt his head take a full sweep of the aisle ahead before he allowed himself to place it on top of hers. Louise thought she felt a pair of lips on her forehead, but she shook that idea off straightaway she was just stunned from the encounter, he didn't kiss her head, she gulped and wrapped her arms around his neck to try and steady herself. He didn't hang on too long and soon he dropped his arms from around her waist, she dropped hers and they both smiled sheepishly at each other. Bucky brought a hand up and started to rub the back of his neck, Louise was almost sure she could see a pink tint beginning to spread across his cheeks. Bucky quickly snapped out though and picked up the forgotten ingredients, in one hand. Louise's shoulders dropped and she blinked rapidly at the man standing before her, it had to have weighed twenty kilos easy. Bucky quirked his lips and shrugged at her flabbergasted expression, he refrained from telling her he could probably carry more she seemed like the kinda gal who didn't approve of bragging. How she lived with Stark for so long Bucky couldn't wrap his head around. Bucky turned her towards the till keeping his eyes out for Dylan, his hand hovered over her lower back as he contemplated placing it there or not, eventually the rational side of his brain told him to do it, it was the easiest way of keeping her close and safe. He curled his arm around her side and he didn't miss her sharp intake of breath, he held her close and only let her go when she had to pay for her shopping. Louise gasped as she felt Bucky's metal arm wrap around her side, she felt the cool metal through her top, and she nearly danced a jig when he pulled her closer so there was no space between them. When they got to the till she argued with Bucky for a solid two minutes over who should pay, eventually she won out much to Bucky's displeasure he didn't like dames havin to pay for stuff, but things had really changed since the forties. Bucky grabbed the shopping bags and held the two in his arms while grasping Louise's hand in his own again as they set off back down the street towards the tower. 

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