A night at the movies

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     Louise woke the next morning well rested and happy. She threw herself in the shower before putting on a woolly jumper and jeans ready for a stroll through the park. She went down to the kitchen and met Pepper as she came from the elevator. "Ah I was just on my way up, are you ready to go?" she smiled down at Louise. "Yup I'm all set" Louise replied and they set off. Louise loved central Park in autumn, the colours were beautiful and the sound of crisp leaves being squashed was somehow soothing. Pepper and Louise walked for a good half an hour before they stopped at a coffee kiosk and Louise ordered her usual hot chocolate before they sat down. "So you and Barnes?" Pepper inquired across the table, before Louise even sat down, over the top of her steaming cup. Immediately Louise's face coloured "what do you mean by me and Barnes?" "You know exactly what I mean young lady" Peppers smile got wider. "You like him don't you, ah ha you shrugged your shoulders no disagreement." "Well of course I like him, I mean seriously how could I not" Louise frowned. "He'd never go for someone like me he's way out of my league." "Don't sell yourself short" Pepper reached over and grabbed her hand. She stood up and threw her cup in the bin before turning and facing Pepper again. "Yeah but I'm being realistic I honestly don't expect any man to ever sweep me off my like they do in the bo..." It was at that moment her feet went from under her and she found herself cradled against someone's chest. She looked up and found the blue eyes she had been fantasising about glancing over her before resting on her own. "Good morning soldier" Louise giggled and he placed a light kiss on her forehead. "Good morning doll, morning Pepper" he smiled over at her and Louise then realised her(should be) aunt was watching their entire exchange. "Bucky maybe you should put me down" Louise bit her lip as he smirked. "Weren't you just saying you wanted someone to sweep you off your feet" he held her tighter and she melted in his embrace, she was screwed. "Were you listening to my conversation" Louise giggled and he shook his head, "I just happened to run by at the right time."It was at that moment a small piece of hair fell across his face from where it had been tied up, into his eyes. Before she had a chance to stop herself she reached up and brushed it back into place savouring the softness of his skin under her fingertips. Bucky smiled easily down at her and she shrugged "it looked annoying"she inwardly groaned as her voice came out breathy and soft. He eventually put her down but kept his arms around her waist, "are you up for a movie tonight, Steve and I do it every Monday with our friend Sam and I was wondering if you wanted in too?" she squealed internally at the worried look on his face and simply reached up on her toes to press a kiss to his cheek. "I'm in, what time?" she said returning to her normal position, "half eight, if it suits" he grinned and she nodded. "See you later" she called over my shoulder and he waved back before continuing on his run. "You two are so cute" Pepper gushed and Louise whacked her arm, "as if" she smiled to herself.

The rest of the day dragged on as she tried to find something, anything to keep her mind off the evening ahead. She cleaned her room, finished unpacking and at one stage it got so bad she found herself colour coding her wardrobe. Eventually the time rolled around and Louise made her way to the screening room. She opened the door and found it pitch black, the seats were empty and so she assumed she was the first one there. She was making her way down to the couch when suddenly a pair of arms grabbed her around the waist, she screamed and the person laughed and spun her around slightly. "That's not even a little funny, Barnes" she growled and he held her closer, causing her heart to pound in her chest. She really needed to stop doing that. "Sorry doll I couldn't help it, Sam and Steve went to get snacks and you looked so innocent walking in" he spun her around again and she could barely see his outline in the dark. "Jarvis will you turn the dim lights on please" Louise called out and the room immediately became softly lit. Finally she could see him and he smiled down at her, his gorgeous blue eyes sparkling. The moment however was ruined by the rather loud entrance of Steve and a very familiar face. He froze as they made eye contact and Louise squealed and barrelled into him. "What the hell" he wrapped his arms around her and she laughed, "I feel like asking you the same", then she noticed Steve and Bucky looking at them with intrigued (in one case irritated) eyes. "How do you two know each other?" Steve chuckled, "Sam worked with my dad when he was in the army, he came home with my dad on leave and basically became the older brother I never really wanted but got anyways." She beamed up at him and he rolled his eyes, "yeah but I got stuck with you too", Louise punched him playfully on the shoulder and he grinned down before his face grew solemn. "I was touring when I heard, I couldn't face going back Louise, I'm so sorry" he pulled her back into another hug and she shook her head. "Don't worry, I don't blame you for not coming, even I couldn't face it" she sighed into his shoulder and his grip increased. "When Steve said your name, I just assumed he meant another Louise Scott" Sam said trying to lighten the mood. "I did the same thing when Bucky asked me to come" Sam looked at her teasingly and she flushed. "So Barnes then, are you two..." he trailed off raising his eyebrows, "no" she hissed sharply and he chuckled but nodded along. She noticed Bucky beginning to twitch slightly at the way they were standing so close, so she shuffled slightly closer to him. He realised what she was doing and coiled his metal arm around her waist and he stole a quick glance at her, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly. Sam raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything as they moved to take their seats. They sat and Bucky made sure he and Louise were sitting closer together and she became a little suspicious. "So, what have ye chosen?" she asked as she wiggled in her seat trying to get comfy, "I believe it was When a Stranger Calls" Sam smirked and Louise threw a pillow at him. "I thought you said you didn't know it was me" she growled, "well I wasn't sure, but I love this movie and it scares the crap out of you so it's win win I suppose." She huffed and sat back in her seat, "Louise we don't have to watch it if you don't want to" to her surprise it was Steve who came to her rescue, she also noticed Bucky glaring at him from the corner of her eye. "No it's fine Steve I'll pull through" she smiled gratefully at him before glaring at Sam. The title appeared on screen a few moments later and she began to search for a pillow. To her dismay she found none, Sam was too far away for cuddles and she didn't  think Steve would appreciate being used as a human shield, so that just left the very happy looking Bucky Barnes.  Who was smirking beside her."You son of a bitch" Louise whined, "You agreed to a horror and hid all the cushions so I'd have to cuddle you." "You got me doll" he smiled brighter holding out his arms, "oh no" she swatted his hands away. "I'm going to get through this film without a pillow"  she sat resolute and Bucky just chuckled, "it won't last" he whispered into her ear and she shivered slightly. She managed the first twenty minutes fine, however as soon as the stereotypical white babysitter started to receive threatening phone calls about her kids Lousie began to tremble. She remembered watching it with Sam when I was younger, she'd had nightmares for weeks after, she wasn't able to babysit for years. Something just didn't sit right with her about the movie and with everything that was going on at the moment, the freaky man watching the young girl felt eerily familiar to her. She glanced at Bucky out of the corner of her eye and he was thoroughly engrossed in the movie. Eventually it all became too much and she curled into Bucky's shoulder. "Well, well, well" she groaned at the smug sound of his voice, "shut up and stroke my hair or I leave Barnes." He became oddly quiet after that but began to softly stroke her hair causing her trembling to lessen. Lousie found herself gravitating towards him every time there was a suspicious creak. He snapped first and pulled her across his lap, holding her waist close with his metal hand and deftly stroking her hair with his flesh one. "It's only a movie doll" he murmured over and over again into her ear, kissing her forehead softly after each repetition. She nodded but her grip on his shoulders tightened every time a scream echoed in the room. "I'll keep you safe doll" it sounded more like a general promise rather than a comforting statement this time. The end credits began to roll and she removed her head from Bucky's shoulder, "thank you" she mumbled and he placed a longer kiss to her cheek just beside her ear before whispering, "Anytime doll." "I hate you Sam Wilson" Lousie turned to face him and he looked at her with a smirk. "Judging by your position I don't think you do" he had a smug look on his face and hers turned into an unwanted beacon. "Thanks Sam" she growled before removing herself from Bucky's lap, not meeting his eyes and rushing out of the room. She wasn't out the door when she heard the familiar footsteps fall into place beside her. "You okay doll?" he asked and Louise nodded her head, refusing to answer verbally for fear her voice would betray her. Bucky walked with her in silence until they reached her door, then he spun her around and pinned her to it keeping his hands on either side of her head and moving in close to her. "Goodnight doll" he stared at Louise with big blue eyes and gave her a crooked grin before leaning down and pressing a kiss to her cheek, before kissing slowly down it to the corner of her mouth. He looked Louise up and down like a hungry animal before turning and walking away without a glance back. She opened her door and almost fell in, she was a total mess for the man who had her wrapped around his cold metal finger.

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