White Noise

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Angel's Reading Tips:

*Highly Recommend spaceship ambiance as background noise to elevate your reading experience. There's options on Spotify and Youtube. :D *

*This chapter may contain uncomfortable scenes for viewers sensitive to blood and torture. Please take care of yourselves and use discretion when reading. *


Nine seared holes into the dark metal flooring below him, his eyes glazed and frozen in place, not quite open, and not really closed. He watched the shadow of his hanging body darkening the metallic sheen of the panels as he swayed from his subtle movements. It was maddening. His feet inches from the floor, his metal tails twitched in their restraints, the sound of wires straining drifted about his sharp ears like white noise. Humming bugs, incessant chatter that was starting to make him go mad with numbness. Normally he liked the sounds of technology and machines, but the rhythmic humming of his extra appendages recalibrating over and over.... almost like they were as confused as he was. Hoping that if they shut down for a bit, a quick rest- when they woke up, it would be different.

His eyes were tired of staring at the same piece of floor. His body ached from being suspended for.... he didn't know how long. How long had he been like this? Two days-maybe three? There was no sunlight down here, no way to tell day from night. Only pipes, metal, and madness.

Nine sank his fangs deeper into the cloth gag digging into his face, the edges were starting to rub the fur off the raw skin around the corners of his mouth. It was soaked with water, from the three times a robot came by with a dingy looking bucket which was unceremoniously dumped onto his face as he was forced to suck it out of the filthy cloth. He had only been fed twice by the same robot...before being hung from the ceiling once more, all the while being completely and utterly surrounded by cable restraints.

Whoever was behind this, it felt like they knew him. It felt personal. He was only ever allowed in one room to eat, and then immediately carted back. The room was maybe a hundred feet away from where he was being hung. They didn't take him anywhere else, they were using an automated robot to keep him just barely alive.

That....or....they had absolutely no idea what to do with him and they were terrified.

They should be.

When he got out of here, because he WAS getting absolutely getting out of here, he would make sure their lives were no longer worth living. That was a promise.

There's no way he was about to let himself die here, not after everything he'd worked so hard to achieve. His research. His lab projects.....prototypes on the brink of success.

Was that what this was about?

The fur between his eyes creased in frustration as his mind went in circles, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. After another amount of time he couldn't calculate, Nine closed his eyes, trying to push all of the thoughts clawing at his subconscious back into their little boxes.

Because it didn't fucking matter now, did it?

It didn't matter that he can't remember how he got here or why, it just didn't matter. What did matter is figuring out a way to get out.

His tails clicked and seized, recalibrating under the cables and his ears twitched as he heard the dreaded sound of mechanical tires coming towards him. It was the robot again. He had a bucket of water.

Nine felt that bottomless pit of anger in his body begin to boil, even through the pain and exhaustion he was seeing red, the pounding in his ears making him feel like he was underwater. He was so tired of this. He was so fucking tired of not knowing what the hell was going on.

Shattering Zero : (Sonic Prime Nine (AU Tails) x OC)Where stories live. Discover now