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Angel's Reading Tips:

*Highly Recommend spaceship ambiance as background noise to elevate your reading experience. There's options on Spotify and Youtube. :D *

*This chapter may contain uncomfortable scenes for viewers sensitive to blood and torture. Please take care of yourselves and use discretion when reading. *


  The sound of his tails recalibrating under the restraints of the cables fought its way through the darkness of sleep to once again awaken him to this living nightmare he was sitting in. There was a robot a few feet away just staring at him. Nine coughed, hating the saliva soaked cloth in his mouth. His throat was burning, and he was starving. Everything hurt, and movement began to crack the scabs forming on his side which caused him to wince, ears twitching. Once his bleary vision cleared, he realized there were about a dozen robots in the room. They were bringing in an absurd amount of boxes, and some of them were building metal tables and equipment not far from where he sat.

Slowly, he pulled his body from the cold hard floor, bones protesting as he swayed on his feet. He managed a few steps forward before the cables beeped, locking in place. Whoever was controlling them didn't want him to get too close. It allowed him to get close enough however to recognize a lot of the machines and tools they were unpacking. High wired wrenches, AI soldering guns, Subtro-Fusion lab equipment.

Lab equipment. Beautiful, unused pieces of hardware and software he would have killed for only days ago. He never thought he'd ever get to see some of these machines in person....but that feeling of joy was so immediately snuffed out of his system as logic came careening through his conscience.

They were setting up a lab. It was easy to connect the dots. Restraints that allowed him to move, the type of equipment they were bringing in told him everything he needed to know, everything they expected him to work on.

They were going to force him to build something......but what, that was still a puzzle. The machines were for highly specific work, but there were several reasons for their use and several things that could be built. All of them deadly. All of them complicated. And all of them unbelievably expensive.

Whoever was doing this had money money. Council money.

This had to be the council. Surely.....there wasn't another being alive that could have this amount of technos. It was odd though, something was off.

Those dimwits were huge show-offs, branding everything in sight. There wasn't a single logo, nothing recognizable on the robots. In fact, they weren't even the council's signature color patterns.

Nine lowered his body down to the floor, laying on the side of him that wasn't meat-ground across the floor and watched the robots build the most decadent lab he had ever laid eyes on, which took them what he assumed was hours and hours of time. He could feel the disgusting fibers of the cloth begin to shed on his dehydrated tongue, his head pounding from lack of sleep, water, and food. Every kind of discomfort someone can endure he was currently enduring. He was cold. He was in pain. His eyes felt like sandpaper in his skull. He had to use the bathroom. He was covered in dirt, blood and grease. He felt the tufts of fur behind his ears becoming matted, pulling at the hairs as they became more knotted. There was a scab on the tip of his nose that cracked every time he breathed.

There wasn't enough water in his body left to cry, and there wasn't enough energy to care. The robots simply walked around him like he was another box.

Eventually they all vacated the room through the impossibly long hallway, and the lab was fully complete, two or three feet away from where he sprawled rotting on the floor. The cables chimed, and he felt the slack of extra room to move.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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