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Ugh I'm so tired of being stuck in this damn apartment

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Ugh I'm so tired of being stuck in this damn apartment.

Alexis left me alone to go attend a meeting or something. I have nothing to do here except eat and watch tv.

I was getting sick and tired of it. If she wasn't going to be here she could send me out shopping or something.

Besides the clothes I've been borrowing from her I have nothing else to wear. I didn't mind but she has nothing that fits my taste. Alexis was more masc so her clothes look good on her not me.

If I'm gonna be the pretend wife of a fucking billionaire I should at-least look good, right?

Speaking of which, I still can't believe out of the millions of women that would fall to their knees for her, she chose me.

I wasn't exactly insecure or anything, I know I'm not ugly, but I wasn't overconfident in my looks either.

One might be wondering how I'm so calm after getting kidnapped. Trust, I am not, many tears have escaped my eyes. But, I have come to accept it, not to mention I'm not stupid, there are many privileges to being the wife of one of the most important people in the world.

I am using this situation fully to my advantage. That, and I didn't exactly mind having to be 'married' to someone that looks like that. Jackson could never, not to mention in the few days that I've known her, she's treated me better than he ever has.

My thoughts were interrupted by grumbling coming from my stomach. I have no idea how I'm hungry again, it's not like I was doing any extra movements to lose energy or something.

I walked into the kitchen to make a quick sandwich. I mean what else would I do? Rewatch every single show on netflix, again?

I was honestly missing her so much. I'm still not fully comfortable but I have nobody else to talk to besides her.

I wanted to see my friends but I have no idea where my phone is. I'm not even sure if it was left in the alley where I was taken or if they had taken it away from me while I was unconscious.

I grabbed the handle to open the fridge until I heard the door unlocking and opening. I walked over to the door to see who it was, hoping it was Alexis returning from her meeting.

A tall man walked in with dark hair and eyes that looked just like Alexis. They looked alike so much that they could be mistaken as the same person if he had longer hair.

Wait. Who is he? I suddenly realized I've never seen him before, what if he's gonna kill me.

He finally acknowledged my presence, his eyes widened as did mine. I screamed loud, he copied my movements. Why was he screaming, I'm the one that should be scared?

We just stood there like idiots screaming at each other.
"Who the fuck are you?!" He finally spoke.

"Who the fuck are you?!" I asked him back. I mean at-least the screaming stopped, my ears were starting to hurt.

"Hey no fair, I asked first." He said while squinting at me. How is he suddenly so calm.

"Yes, but your the one entering the home of someone who doesn't know you." I crossed my arms, squinting back at him.

"Your home? This is my sister apartment. Plus I don't know you either." He responded crossing his arms at me too.

'His gun is definitely pink'  I thought to myself.

He gasped, "Rude, considering your's is too, I'm sensing major gay energy all around here." He said, while moving his finger in circles while pointing it at me. Shit did I say that out loud?

"Well your sensors are broken." I told him. I just find girls attractive, I would never date one.

"Nuh uh, why else would you be in my sister apartment dressed in her clothes?" Oh yeah, his sister. Wait, his sister? How am I so stupid, he literally told me but it took me so long to realize. I mentally face palmed.

We just stared at each other for a whole minute. Neither of us saying a word, my legs were getting tired so I just walked to the couch and laid down. I honestly just wanna go to sleep.

"So are you gonna answer my question or not, who are you?" He asked again this time sitting on the couch across from me.

He sipped on his water, since when did he have a water bottle? I must be going blind or something.

"Well if your really her brother, then I'm your future sister in law." He started choking on his water. Coughing and nearly spilling all of the water on the carpet.

"What?! Since when did Rory have a fiancé? Last time I checked she had a new play thing every week not a new fiancé every week." He said. I'm guessing Rory was a nickname for her middle name.

His words honestly got me feeling a little mad, but I ignored him and just laid my head back down to take a nap.

"If you don't mind, I would really enjoy taking a nap right now so please go away and do whatever you came to do."  I told him and closed my eyes.

For someone who's related to her, they really act so different.

I heard him scoff then the door close a few seconds later. Finally, I get to sleep a bit.

I really need to demand Alexis for some things in return. She's getting a whole company out of this, I better get something too.

I fell asleep after not to long.


Shortest chapter yet.
Wasn't even gonna update today but I have school tomorrow and I can't sleep so yeah.

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