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The Wedding Day

~ before the wedding ~

Alice -

"Alice.... I can't- br...eathe" Madeline told me as me and the maids tied her corset up. "Stop being so whiny, this is perfectly normal I laughed as I pulled the string more.

As I tied everything up, I called in the hairstylist and the makeup artist to get started as soon as possible. I was her bridesmaid, so of course I had to make everything perfect.

I rushed out of her dressing room and towards the girls. "Camilla! Christina! Get over here, I want to take some fotos of the two of you." I yelled out to the girls who were sitting on a bench together.

Camilla ran to me and Christina groaned, dragging her feet. Polar opposites, how does that even work?

They started 'dating' once again after Christina begged Camilla a million times. She's my daughter and all but whatever she does for any girl is none of my business.

I still grounded her for kissing that girl though. No cheaters under my roof.

I fixed up Christina's tux and Camilla immediately got to posing for the pictures. She was already photogenic and beautiful, now she also knows how to pose?

Lord bless all the women and/or men roaming the earth whenever she's grown.

"She's going to be a model, mark my words." I said, under my breath so only me and god could hear.

Christina, like always, looked like someone who's never slept before. She crossed her arms and looked away uninterested.

"Oh dear daughter of mine. Just who did you turn out like? You're so handsome like your mama but that attitude of yours.." I pinched her cheek, teasing her.

She got it from me, 100%.

Jesse -

"Dude, calm down. It's your big day, get it together." I laughed at Alexis as she struggled to put her suit on with trembling hands.

"It's not funny!" She screamed, throwing the tie at the floor, frustrated.

"Maybe ask for some help genius." I laughed my ass off again and spinned in my chair. She stopped my chair and threw me off of it, to sit herself down.

I landed on my ass and kept laughing at her anger. She's been freaking out all day because of the wedding, she thinks Madeline might have last minute regrets. Or literally just anything could go wrong.

Maybe the fireworks don't go off on time, or people don't show up. Or the million other things she's been ranting on about all day that could go wrong.

She picked up her cat from the floor and placed him on her lap. I guess he's like an emotional support animal or something I don't know, but she's weirdly attached to him.

I stood up and picked her bow tie up from the floor. "Come." I told her, making her stand up. I grabbed her collar and flipped it up, tying the bow on her neck perfectly.

"First try, loser." I laughed, but stepped back immediately when I saw her eye twitch. Scary.

~ during the wedding ~

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