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~ 3 years later ~

"Camilla, stop running around I already told you that your going to get hurt!" I told her, but she just kept giggling and running in circles around the couch

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"Camilla, stop running around I already told you that your going to get hurt!" I told her, but she just kept giggling and running in circles around the couch. It wasn't long before she stubbed her toe and starting sobbing on the ground. Toddlers can be so stubborn.

I walked over to her to check if she was okay. "Mire lo que le pasa cuando no le para atención a su mamá." I heard a voice say. It was Julian, he picked Camilla up into his arms and cradled her until she quieted down. I looked at him and mouth a quick 'thank you.'
Tr: "look what happens when you pay attention(listen) to your mom"

Julian has been a real help with Camilla. When I first moved to Spain I was alone. I had met him since I had opened a new cafe in the area I was staying at. He worked for me and we became close friends after a while. He's been with me throughout my entire journey of having and raising her. He held my hand in the delivery room and supported me throughout the way.

The doctors at the hospital assumed he was the father and kept bothering him to sign the birth certificate. It was very funny to watch. But not so much when they came to ask my many questions about the other parent as well.

Speaking of, in the 3 years I've been waiting for her return she hasn't showed up. It's either 1 of 4 things.

1. She forgot about me and is out living her life amazingly. Fucking every girl she runs into and spending all of her money with her fathers new company as well.

2. She's somehow still fighting Lorenzo. I doubted it was that one because 3 years is too much.

3. She somehow can't find me. Though with the amount of resources she has that would be mind boggling.

4. She died. One im praying isn't true.

The most probable ones are 1 or 4 and neither were ones I preferred. Since Julian has been with me the whole time Camilla will probably start to think of him as her father. That's something I didn't want, no matter how good of a person he was.

If she was still alive out there I won't take that away from her unless she doesn't want to have anything to do with us. If I found out she ever died or really didn't care for us, I wouldn't doubt letting Julian be a parental figure for her.

Suddenly I felt my hair being tugged. Camila was pulling my hair with her miniature hand. "Your so distracted" laughed Julian, "what were you thinking about?" He asked. He doesn't know anything about her, and I don't plan on telling him. "Nothing, just a little tired today." I responded vaguely.

He hummed, hesitating before speaking again, "I was wondering if you'd like to go to dinner later? B-but just like, y-you and me.. I'd pay for a babysitter for Camilla and everything." He said, stuttering over almost every word.

I knew where he was going with this. It wasn't something that I liked at all. I've only ever thought of him as a friend and nothing more. He started talking again, "as a date.." he said, just confirming what I was thinking.

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