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For the first time in my life, I felt scared

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For the first time in my life, I felt scared. I felt self conscious and I felt.. disgusting.

I'm in no position to blame Madeline for anything, she's not wrong to not be attracted to me anymore. This wound just proves how weak and pathetic I am.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning over to Jesse. "What happened?" She asked and I just shrugged her off, looking out the car window.

"I said I didn't!" Christina yelled from the backseat making me look over to them.

Camilla was angry and stayed silent, glaring at Christina. She looks just like her mother right now. "What happened?" I asked, looking at Christina who appeared scared.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Camilla who tried to avoid my gaze. "What. Happened." I said stricter, trying to juice an answer out of either of them. They both looked away and kept quiet.

I looked at Jesse who didn't look at me. "You know something. Tell me." I said, but she just gulped and shook her head lightly.

Has everyone lost their damn fucking mind today? Have I really gotten that weak that everyone has been stepping over me all day long?

I clenched my jaw and shut my eyes taking deep breaths in so I don't act out in front of the girls. "Mm mm, nope. I can't do this shit." I said, chuckling.

"Stop the fucking car, pull over." I said to Jesse harshly. She quickly did as I said and I got out the car, walking away. I heard the door open but I didn't turn around, "where you going!"

I lifted up my middle finger and just kept walking. I don't even know either, I just know I want to be alone today. I turned into an ally just to lose Jesse in case she was following me.

I hid in there for a while and smoked a cigarette until I felt like it was time to leave. My phone has been ringing for the past 10 minutes but I didn't even bother to check it until now.

I took it out of my pocket and saw dozens of calls from Madeline, Alice, Jesse, and other ones from news reporters and shit.

My grip on it tightened when I saw a text from Madeline reading "why are you mad?" I felt my blood start to boil and I impulsively smashed the phone in my hand.

I dropped the scrapped phone on the ground and started to leave. Since I'm free today, maybe I should go and visit him. My dad.

I waited on the side of the road for a taxi to appear. Once I saw one I waved my hand at the car to signal him to stop.

I got in the car and greeted the man. "Where to miss?" He asked, looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity." I said making his eyes widen. "I don't know if you know this but that place is very prohibited, they don't let anybody in except the elites." He said sounding worried.

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