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We stepped closer to the desk where Julian was sitting

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We stepped closer to the desk where Julian was sitting. He raised his head from his computer and looked at us, raising an eyebrow. He looked at Alexis and frowned but once his eyes landed on me he smirked.

I felt Alexis' arm wrap around my waist again, this time in a possessive manner. Always so jealous of the most insignificant people.

"To what do I owe the pleasure love?" He chuckled deeply, standing up and fixing his suit.

He started walking towards us in a confident stride then stopped, standing right in front of me. I was eye level with him since I had my heels on.

"She's not here to talk to you, I am." Alexis said, getting his attention. He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"And who are you?" He asked, staring her down. He stepped away from me to go in front of her. But I could see the immediate regret in his eyes as he realized she was the own staring down at him.

He cleared his throat and headed back to the desk to sit down.

"I don't want you here," he said pointing to Alexis, "she.. she can stay." He said, moving his finger to me and looking me up and down with a smirk. I cringed and shook my head slowly in disgust.

Alexis stepped up to the desk and towered over him. "I don't care what you want. You need to get the fuck off my chair or I'm shoving this placard up your ass." Alexis said, grabbing hold of the CEO placard with his name on it.

A bead of sweat trickled down his forehead but he tried to look cool headed.

He started chuckling, intentionally making his voice sound deeper. "Your chair? Think you might need to read the placard again, hun."

"And I think you might need to read the name engraved on the building, not a prop."Alexis said back, flicking the little placard on his desk.

She tilted her head, to wait for a response from him. But only silence followed. It was getting kind of hard for me to hold on my laugh so I snickered.

Julian's face had a light shade of pink. I saw his left hand balling into a fist and start shaking lightly. Embarrassing..

He stood up front his chair and looks furious. "I think you're just a little mad I took your girl from you." He said, with every last bit of confidence in his being.

Excuseeeeeee you? I know he's not talking about me. I know damn well he's not. Cannot possibly be me cause when have I ever said anything but 'no' to him?

I was choking on her dick just a few hours ago. Fuck does he mean "took me." My pussy literally pulses her name in Morse code, he can't possibly be talking about "took me" from her.

Alexis shifted her weight to her left foot. Something always does this when she's about to reach for the gun in her right-side waistband. Fuck. As much as he deserves it, I do not want to be apart of any of that right now.

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