Chapter 1

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A man is standing in kitchen with knife in the stove getting it heated and he was also holding a girl's hand who is screaming

Girl- please stop I won't do this mistake again
Man- you should get punished for what you did

With that he took the knife and kept it on her shoulder

With that Meera woke up screaming and saw someone open the door and hugged her which made her scared

Meera -please leave me I'm sorry I won't do it again
Rosie- Meera you are safe now

Hearing it both pulled back from the hug and Meera saw Rosie

Rosie- go get ready I will make something to eat
Meera- ok

With that Rosie left and Meera went to take bath and started crying standing under the shower

Meera(mv)- maybe I don't deserve any love first my parents and now my abusive ex husband I have no one

She went near the mirror and saw the scar in her shoulder At that time meera heard Rosie calling her and she thought there is someone for her and she got ready and went to the dining table and saw Rosie serving Varun who is just looking at the plate seeing it she shook her head and saw kaviya enjoying the breakfast and sat beside her all had their breakfast and Rosie and kaviya went college and Varun and Meera went to office and all employees wish her but she had a emotionless face once she entered the office Varun told her sheldule

Varun- Meera I have a important work can I go
Meera - when will you be back
Varun- in a hour
Meera- ok

With that Varun left and Meera focused on her work and soon she had a meeting so she went to attend it


Varun entered his house and he was welcomed with a pillow thrown on his face and saw his brother Aditya crying and glaring at him seeing him cry Varun ran towards him

Varun- why are you crying my hero
Aditya- where were you I got scared waking up alone
Varun- I'm sorry I left for some work
Aditya- I'm not talking to you

Aditya turned his face away from Varun seeing it Varun laughed and thought about something and stood up

Varun- ok then I'm leaving but I thought I could take a leave and we can roam and have some ice cream but you are not talking to me so

Before Varun could leave Aditya pulled varun's sleeves slowly and he turned and saw Aditya pouting at him

Varun- you are angry at me right
Aditya- I will forgive

Varun smiled and ruffled his hair and said go get ready hearing it Aditya ran towards his room to get ready seeing it Varun had tears in his eyes

Aditya(mv)- I will kill the person who is responsible for my brother's condition

He saw Aditya coming towards him so he quickly wiped his tears

Aditya- how do I look
Varun - my hero is always handsome

Aditya smiled hearing it and both left for office and once they entered the office they went to the top floor and Varun made Aditya sit in a chair

Varun- I'm going to meet my boss you should be a good boy and sit here ok
Aditya- ok

With that Varun handed over a doll to Aditya and left soon Aditya got bored and started to wander around and he went inside a room and saw it was beautifully furnished and he heard someone opening the door so he went behind a chair and hid there Meera's meeting got over and she went inside her cabin and got scared when someone screamed she turned and saw Aditya holding a doll in his hand looking at her shocked hearing the scream Varun entered the cabin


Let's see what happens
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