Chapter 14

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Rosie- guys meera is slowly remembering everything
Aditya- but isn't it good
Rosie- are you serious right now
Aditya- why
Zahir- don't you remember what happened

Aditya suddenly remembered everything

Aditya- oh shit yes
Rosie- we have to start our plan
Aditya- we have to catch that Arvind first
Rosie- yeah but we have other things to do too but wait arjun how did you bring Aditya here
Arjun- well


When Rosie informed arjun to bring Aditya to the hospital he made a plan of kidnapping Aditya when he reached Varun's house he saw guards were sleeping so he silently climbed the pump and saw went to Aditya's room and saw him sleeping hugging a doll he went in and wrote a something in a piece of paper and kept it in the night stand and woke him up

Aditya-who are you

Arjun saw Aditya was about to cry

Arjun- shhh I'm Meera's brother she got hurt and she wants to see you
Aditya- what happened to my doll I want to see her

And Aditya was crying

Arjun- ok ok fine now be silent and come with me

With that Aditya and arjun came out of the house and went to the hospital


Rosie- what did you write in the paper
Arjun- well I wrote meera want to see him and you took him with you
Rosie- really you think he will believe such

Before Rosie talk she heard her phone ring and saw it was varun and showed it to everyone arjun signaled to put the call in speaker

Rosie- hello
Varun- Rosie can't you just call me and tell me to drop Aditya to your house I would have done that why did you take him with you in the night I got so scared
Rosie- I'm sorry varun meera was just missing him
Varun- oh it's ok I can talk to Aditya
Rosie- sure wait

Rosie told him to act

Aditya- hello
Varun- Adi did you eat your breakfast
Aditya- yes
Varun-ok da give the phone to Rosie
Aditya- ok

Aditya laughed like a kid and seeing it 3 of them controlled their laugh Aditya handed the phone to Rosie

Varun-Rosie I will take him with me after work
Rosie- ok varun
Varun- and rose can we go on a date

Hearing it 3 of them  eyes widened and Zahir was staring at the phone blankly seeing Zahir's reaction Rosie gulped

Rosie- I will talk to you later varun
Varun- ok rose

With that varun cuts the call arjun saw Zahir being so calm

Arjun- I will go and bring some breakfast for us

With that arjun ran dragging Aditya with him

Rosie- Zahir
Zahir- rose ah come here
Rosie- I didn't

Hearing it Rosie ran towards Zahir and stood in front of him

Zahir- how dare he call you rose
Rosie- you know about the plan right but I didn't think he will call me like this
Zahir- you are mine

With that Zahir pulled Rosie and kissed her fiercely Rosie was shocked to this sudden kiss but kissed him back she couldn't cope up with his pace and soon Zahir left her and left a hickey in her neck

Zahir- this mark will show him who you belong too

Soon both men arrived Rosie feed breakfast to Zahir and all had their breakfast suddenly arjun phone rang and he saw it was kaviya

Arjun- hello
Kaviya- arjunnnnn
Arjun- kaviya kaviya talk to me

Arjun was hearing her scream and a laughter all panicked seeing arjun and suddenly the call ended

Arjun- kaviyaaaa


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