Chapter 24

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Aditya threw the chair he was sitting on the floor in anger here Rosie was roaming in confusion she turned towards rocky

Rosie- who knows them being here
Rocky- no one except us
Aditya- what about Arvind
Rocky- not possible
Aditya- we have to be quick now someone is behind his escape and now this
Rosie- try tracking the number we will be going

With that Rosie and Aditya were driving home in frustration

Aditya-can't we just have a normal life

Rosie gave him a bored look

Rosie- you really think the things we are do we will live a normal life
Aditya- I just want to be away from this world just with my angel
Rosie- the feelings are mutual
Aditya- what do you mean
Aditya- like hell I will let you live with him

Both just glared at each other and soon reached home Aditya went in first and saw meera sleeping peacefully he turned and saw something he despises Rosie entered the room and saw Aditya furiously looking at something and she saw it and was in the same condition as him

Rosie- I'm going out
Aditya- where
Rosie- you know it

Aditya sighed knowing he can't stop her so he nodded rosie left the place leaving Aditya in his own world soon she reached Zahir's place and parked her car and rang the bell slowly the door opened revealing Zahir has a fresh bandage stark against his forehead, and she hadn't spent any time with him since he came from the hospital she went inside and Before she could say anything

Zahir pulled her into a fierce, demanding kiss. His lips were urgent, almost punishing, and Rosie felt herself melting despite her better judgment. She wrapped her arms around him, pressing herself against him as their kiss deepened, becoming a fiery, desperate exchange of need and frustration When they finally broke apart, both were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other. Zahir's grip on her arm softened

Zahir- I missed you
Rosie- I can feel that

And touched her swollen lips seeing it Zahir chuckled but he saw Rosie having a expression less face and he got serious seeing it

Zahir-what happened
Rosie-someone tried to kidnap the people from our dungeon

Hearing it for a moment, genuine fear flickered in Zahir's eyes, quickly replaced by steely determination

Zahir-What? When did this happen?"
Rosie-in the afternoon
Zahir-who do you think it might be
Rosie- no clue rocky is searching for details
Zahir- everything will end soon

Zahir Hugged her tightly giving her assurance and started thinking for a plan

Meanwhile, in a darkened warehouse a man spoke in hushed tones to a shadowy figure

Man-I don't care what it takes. Make sure he is hurt. It has to look like an accident."

The figure nodded, slipping into the shadows as a cold smile spread across the man's face.

It was night and Rosie was trying to get out of Zahir's hold

Rosie- Zahir I have to go
Zahir- no

And tightened his hold around her

Rosie- look meera is alone with him and you know what kind of animal he is

Hearing it Zahir removed his hold and seeing it Rosie laughed

Zahir- go and save my sister from the animal
Rosie-ok officer

Rosie pecks his lips and went home and she saw smoke coming from the backyard she went inside and saw Aditya standing over the fire, his face illuminated by the flickering light. His smile was unnaturally wide, lips pulled back to reveal clenched teeth, eyes fixed intently on the burning image.

There was a chilling emptiness in his gaze, a cold delight that sent a shiver through the air she slowly went near him and saw the photo and her lips began to curl upward. Her smile mirrored Aditya's too scary  their shared, psychotic glee hung in the air, a silent, terrifying bond forged in the flicker of the burning photo.

 Her smile mirrored Aditya's too scary  their shared, psychotic glee hung in the air, a silent, terrifying bond forged in the flicker of the burning photo

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The photo


Arjun drove down the lonely, isolated road, the hum of the engine the only sound breaking the profound silence Suddenly, from the distant gloom, a pair of blinding lights appeared, rapidly growing larger. Arjun squinted, trying to make sense of the oncoming brightness. His heart skipped a beat as he realized it was a truck coming towards him at full speed, its engine roaring like a beast unleashed.

Panic surged through him. He gripped the steering wheel tighter, knuckles turning white, as the truck hurtled closer. There was no time to think, only to react. The truck's headlights blinded him, the horn blaring in a deafening crescendo.

Arjun's foot slammed on the brake, tires screeching against the pavement. His mind raced turn left into the trees or right into the ditch? The truck loomed larger, seconds from impact. In that split second, everything seemed to slow down...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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