Chapter 15

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Arjun rushed out of the room

Rosie-you guys be safe and lock the door don't let anyone in even the doctors and Aditya

Rosie handed something to Aditya and ran behind arjun Rosie saw him was about to leave in a bike

Rosie- arjun it's not safe let's take the car

Arjun nodded and Roshini started to drive when they reached kaviya house and saw door was unlocked both ran in and saw kaviya being unconscious and tied in a chair seeing it Arjun ran towards her and untied her and took her in his arms

Rosie- arjun you take kav to the hospital and I will come
Arjun- ok

With that arjun left carrying kaviya here Rosie looked around the house and saw a piece of crushed paper ball down the chair where kaviya was tied she opened it up and seeing it Rosie was shocked she went out of the house and got a auto after seeing the photo Rosie was shocked she rushed inside the hospital and saw a crowd in front of Zahir's room thinking the worst situation she went and saw a man laying in the floor with a bullet in his forehead and she saw Zahir in the bed and Aditya standing with the gun no one was moving

Rosie- take the body away

Hearing it everyone turned and saw Rosie

Doctor -ok ma'am

With that Rosie went in and tried to lock it but the look was broken so she just closed it

Here a nurse wearing a mask asked the doctor

Nurse- doctor how can she be so calm after seeing the dead body and even you have no reaction seeing it
Doctor- are you new here
Nurse- yes doctor
Doctor- let me tell you one thing always give them respect and second this normal and they own this hospital and things like this are frequent

With that the doctor ordered few people to take the body and here the nurse was standing in shock and left

Inside the room

Aditya- thanks for the gun but how did you guess that someone will come to attack us
Rosie- adi Arvind escaped from the dungeon
Aditya- what the f*** how
Rosie- only Zahir knows

Both of them turned and saw Zahir who was looking at them blankly

Aditya- what happened there
Zahir- after the usual session of beating him I tied him up and went to take a bath and ordered the men to give him food suddenly I heard screams so I went there and saw Arvind was attacking them when I tried to attack him we both got into a fight and he stabbed me and rest you know
Rosie-yeah then he called me saying he is back for revenge
Aditya- why shit like this happens only to us
Rosie- everything will end soon now come with me
Aditya- where
Rosie- kaviya is admitted here

With that both went to another room and saw arjun sitting outside

Aditya- what did the doctor say

Before arjun could reply doctor came out of the room

Arjun- doctor how is she
Doctor- well she was beaten with a log in some part of her body but thank god there was no internal injuries and her wrist was cut just a inch away if it was on exact nerve she could have died take care of her she is weak

Hearing it arjun slumped in the chair and started crying and Aditya went to console him and he noticed Rosie was pale and was standing without even moving

Aditya- Rosie ROSIE
Rosie- he started his game
Aditya- what
Rosie- look at this


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