Chapter 22

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Rosie went near meera and patted her cheeks to wake up who didn't wake up

Rosie-Meera meera
Aditya-shhh don't worry she will wake up in the morning
Rosie-how many sleeping tablets did you put in the pie

Rosie slapped her forehead and tried to pick meera when Aditya stopped her

Aditya- I'm her husband get lost

Aditya pushed Rosie on the couch and picked meera in a bridal way and went to her room here Rosie sighed and called Zahir he attended it

Rosie- hello
Zahir- Helloooooo

Zahir sounded sleepy hearing it Rosie chuckled

Rosie- I will call you later you rest
Zahir- it's okay I couldn't sleep anyways without my teddy bear
Rosie- you have a teddy bear
Zahir- yeah it's name is Rosie

Hearing it Rosie blushed

Rosie- shut up
Zahir- what that's true my cute soft teddy bear
Rosie- stop now listen
Zahir- yeah
Rosie- tell our people to follow varun
Zahir- ok but why
Rosie- he has been acting weird for few days
Zahir- okay teddy
Rosie- you won't forget that name
Zahir- nope

Suddenly someone snatched the phone from Rosie she turned and saw it was Aditya

Rosie- dei give me my phone
Aditya- Zahir I told you to stay away from Rosie
Zahir- my nanba she is my future wife so I can talk to her whenever I want
Aditya- deiii
Zahir- ok mama tell my wife I love her so much

With that Zahir cuts the call and laughs like crazy here Aditya was glaring at Rosie who was looking everywhere except him

Aditya- I really don't know what made you love him

Rosie rolled her eyes seeing it Aditya hits her head making her chase him after few minutes both got tired and sat on the couch

Rosie- why did you give her the pills
Aditya- I had lot to discuss with you and if she listens any one of them we are dead
Rosie- but what story did you tell her to believe you

Aditya chuckled

Aditya- well


Both soon pulled back from the hug and meera was having tears in her eyes

Meera- who are you
Aditya- I'm your husband
Meera- WHAT

Meera was shocked hearing him and tried removing her hand from the rope but Aditya held her hand softly making her stop she saw him having tears in his eyes

Aditya- don't hurt yourself love it hurts me more
Meera- just tell me who are you who is that Rosie

Aditya chuckled before dreamily stared at her and removed the rope and held her hand

Aditya- we were colleagues I still remember 6 years ago you entered AM group of companies you looked so nervous for the interview and once it was done and you got the job you were jumping like a kid without any worries
Meera- what was your job
Aditya-i-i was this head manager you were in my department and you were the one who started the conversation we fell in love the moment we saw each other

Aditya wiped his tears and meera was having tears in her eyes

Aditya- even your parents were happy about us and after a year during our anniversary I proposed to you in front of your parents
Meera- what about your parents
Aditya- they died in a plane crash when me and Rosie were kids

Meera squeezes Aditya hands to give him comfort

Aditya -but our happiness was short lived when your parents found out I lost my job because of a fake rumour they tried to stop our marriage but we tried to run away but

Aditya couldn't continue and cried his heart out meera pats his shoulder looking at him in sympathy while trying to remember all this incident

Meera-And then
Aditya- we got into an accident and got separated I couldn't remember anything

Meera pounced on Aditya and cried on his shoulder

Aditya- I'm sorry Aditya I can't remember anything but I know you are someone close to me please don't leave me again
Aditya- I will never leave you

Aditya's smile turned into a evil smirk and wiped his fake tears and hugged meera tightly



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