Chapter 5

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Arjun- are you serious
Rosie- yes
Arjun- how he went missing two years ago
Rosie- I know but he was with varun
Arjun- Varun how

Rosie explained to arjun what happened today how Aditya was Varun's older brother and how Aditya was behaving like a child

Arjun- Aditya as a child

Arjun jerked imagining it

Arjun- something is fishy about Varun
Rosie- I know
Arjun- we have to find out about it before it's too late
Rosie- and one more thing
Arjun- what
Rosie- today varun was behaving weird too
Arjun- what did he do
Rosie- he has a photo of me talking to Zahir but his face wasn't clear and he got angry and was forcing me to tell him who Zahir was

Arjun- and that resulted in bruise in your hand

Rosie saw arjun looking at her wrist she quickly pulled her sleeves to hide it and nodded seeing it arjun sighed before they could speak further they heard a door opening sound and saw kaviya rolling her eyes looking under Arjun's bed and then only they noticed the blood

Kaviya- seriously here too
Rosie- don't worry it was someone who try to kill arjun so I killed him
Arjun- aren't you scared

Kaviya smirked and said

Kaviya- come on it's not the first time I'm seeing it

Hearing it Rosie and arjun laughed

Rosie- ok arjun take care I'm leaving bye kavi bye kalutai
Arjun&kavi- bye

With that Rosie left on the way home all she could think was about varun then only she remembered about meera and her nightmare so she rushed home and entered Meera's room and saw her sleeping peacefully seeing it Rosie had tears in her eyes

Rosie- everything will be fine soon meera

With that Rosie quietly closes the door and went to her room and call Zahir

Zahir- what is it darling
Rosie-Aditya is alive
Zahir- what

Zahir who was laying in the bed got up and was jumping in the bed hearing his laughter rosie smiled

Rosie- stop jumping in the bed Zahir
Zahir- I'm so happy

And then Rosie told him about Aditya's condition and how Varun was his brother and attack on arjun which made him confused and sad

Zahir- is he ok now
Rosie-yeah and the man that was send to kill arjun was send by Varun
Zahir- what
Rosie- yeah even I was shocked
Zahir- Varun is suspicious
Rosie- now leave it and about Aditya
Zahir- so he don't remember anything
Rosie-yea but one more thing we have to be careful now that Aditya is back we have to face a lot
Zahir- I know you too be careful around varun darling
Rosie-ok Zahir good night
Zahir- good night darling

In the morning

Meera woke up smiling for the first time in this one and a half year she didn't get any nightmare she got ready and went to have breakfast Rosie saw meera being all smiley

Rosie- someone is so happy today

Meera blushed hearing her and soon meera and Rosie had breakfast and went to their work meera couldn't stop thinking about her dream


Meera and Aditya were holding hands sitting in the beach at night enjoying the cool air meera turned and saw Aditya was staring at her

Meera - why are you staring at me like that
Aditya- I'm just admiring the moon

Hearing it meera blushed and Aditya kissed her forehead

Aditya- I have something to say
Meera- what is it Adi

Aditya kneeled in front of meera and took a box out of his pocket he opened the box revealing a diamond ring

Aditya- today is our first anniversary and I have never been this happy in my life doll and I want to have this happiness for my whole life so doll will you marry me

Meera had tears in her eyes and nodded yes has Aditya slide the ring in her finger she heard poppers sound she turned and saw two girls and two boys having it in their hand but she couldn't see their faces properly and Aditya pulled meera for a kiss and with that meera woke up

End of the dream

Suddenly she remembered and looked at her chain and found the same ring in the chain

Meera(mv)- how do I have the same ring?why did the proposal felt so real who is Aditya and that four people why do I feel like I know them but at the same time I don't

Varun entered the cabin and saw meera in her own world

Varun - meera

Hearing someone call her she turned and saw Varun

Meera- oh hi varun
Varun- what happened meera
Meera- nothing
Varun- ok

With that they continued their work meera was waiting for the evening soon it was evening Rosie came from college and settled in the couch and she noticed meera was looking at the door soon varun entered with Aditya who was smiling and seeing him meera had a wholehearted smile

Meera- ready for the evening


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