Chapter 20

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When both were about to get down Varun's phone rang and he attends it Rosie was patiently waiting for him to end the call but she saw him froze in shock she was confused seeing his expression and shook him and signed him what happened and he mouthed nothing and listened what the other person was saying and soon he ends the call

Rosie-what happened varun you don't look so good
Varun- it's nothing I have to go
Varun- my friend got into a accident
Rosie-I'm so sorry to hear that what about Aditya
Varun-let him stay here today
Rosie-ok bye take care
Varun-sure bye

Rosie got down and saw Varun leave in a hurry she was little suspicious but shook it away and went inside the house and it was so silent so she ran to Meera's room and opens the door in fear but seeing the scene in front of her brought tears in her eyes it was Aditya and meera sleeping hugging each other sensing someone presence Aditya slowly opened his eyes and saw Rosie teared up and he smiled knowing her feelings and slowly moved out of Meera's embrace and went near her

Aditya-where is Varun
Rosie- he left saying his friend got into an accident
Aditya-let's go out and talk

Rosie nods and they both went to living room and sat in the couch

Rosie-what did you tell her she was ready to kill me and now she is sleeping hugging you
Aditya-you know I did some magic and now she is mine again

Rosie sighed

Rosie-did you lie and manipulate again

Rosie saw Aditya not looking at her in frustration she got up and started walking

Rosie-Aditya because of a lie we are here and now you began your relationship with a lie again
Aditya-Rosie I had no choose and Arvind on loose I can't risk it I had to give her assurance that there are people to love her
Rosie-I just don't want the past to repeat
Aditya-Rosie I noticed few bruises in her arms what happened
Aditya-was it because of Arvind

Aditya fisted his hand in anger and tried to calm down but couldn't and punched the couch

Rosie-don't shout or she will wake up
Aditya-I want to know what happened

Rosie nodded and started

4years ago

Rosie -after the accident meera forgot everything about her life and her parents got to know about it and before I could stop them they took her to another city after a lot of searching I found them and got to know she was getting married and threatened them in disguise but meera came at that time so I had to run away(chap12) and before I could stop she got married to Arvind I made her parents to introduce me as her sister since Arvind didn't know about me I tried everything to break the marriage and 1 year later our company got a deal and I had to be there so I left saying I had a college trip one day I got a call from her crying saying Arvind hit her I quickly canceled the meeting and met her and saw the bruises and filed for divorce but meera wasn't ready for it but I told her things to make her agree at first Arvind was refusing and I made few fake evidence for quick divorce and arrest and he got arrested and last year he came out of jail he tried to kidnap her but before it could happen Zahir and arjun took him to the dungeon

Rosie saw Aditya was crying and side hugged him

Aditya- what made them arrest him
Rosie-i made fake evidence saying he was scamming and doing drugs and with money few of his people agreed to say it in court
Aditya- I won't leave that Arvind



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