Chapter 11

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Aditya grabbed Arjun by his neck and pushed him towards the wall and straggled him

Aditya- how dare you even think about hurting my wife

Aditya looked like a devil and seeing it Rosie rushed towards him and pulled him away from arjun and Rosie went near arjun who was coughing and he looked at her

Arjun -traitor
Rosie- I told you
Aditya- how did you find out
Rosie -I saw you were behind me during the call the whole time and hearing it
Aditya- that's not a clue
Rosie-ok how about the man in the mall who  you beaten to death
Aditya- how did you know I was the one who hit him
Rosie-because I saw you slap him and drag him to the washroom

Aditya was looking at her like a deer caught in headlights

Rosie- top of all this to save meera from the fire you called Vijay in front of me you can't even disguise properly

Saying it Rosie facepalmed and Aditya scratched his head and arjun was looking at them

Arjun(mv)- what's happening
Rosie- if you still have a doubt what were you doing in our secret dungeon 2 days ago

Before Aditya could answer doctor came

Doctor-who is the patient relative
Rosie- doctor is he ok now
Doctor- who are you to the patient
Rosie- I'm his wife

Hearing it Aditya gasped and fisted his hand he turned and saw arjun being normal

Doctor- he has lost a lot of blood and we don't have the blood in the blood bank and we are not getting any blood donar
Rosie-Aditya has the same blood

And Rosie rushed towards him

Rosie- please Aditya

Aditya saw Rosie tear stained face and agreed after the blood donation the surgery was done doctor came out of the room

Doctor- the surgery was successful he will wake up in 2 hours

Hearing it Rosie had happy tears and Arjun and Aditya sighed in relief and doctor left soon Zahir was shifted to normal ward all went in and Rosie went towards Zahir seeing him like that she couldn't control her tears and ruffles his hair and kisses his forehead and they all went out

Aditya- what is even happening
Arjun- what do you mean
Aditya- i mean what happened in this 2 years
Rosie- a lot let's not talk about it right now

Soon Zahir woke up and doctor prescribed him some medicine

Rosie- Aditya and Arjun go buy this medicine
Arjun- why us you go

Rosie glared at arjun

Arjun- ok fine

With that arjun dragged Aditya with him and left here Rosie went near Zahir and holds his hand and looks at him

Rosie- how are you feeling
Zahir- better

Zahir hiss a little by holding his head Rosie went near him and taking this has a chance Zahir pulled her and kissed her first Rosie was shocked but soon she became normal and kissed him back soon they heard a gasp sound hearing it both pulled back from the kiss and saw a shocked arjun and Aditya

Rosie- Aditya

Suddenly Aditya fainted

Rosie- Anna dei

Rosie rushed towards him


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