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Chapter Six: "Defense"
Damien's POV
October 11th, 2006
3:01 P.M.


I had rushed out of last period as soon as the bell rang, which led me into the hallway I was in 45 minutes ago. I had my backpack around shoulder, since I had brought it with me to the classes.

God, I'm so disappointed in myself. I hadn't done anything to hurt Philips feelings. Nothing! I hope my father won't find out. He'll be upset. Even though my job is none of his business, since he's the ruler of hell he's allowed to know anything and everything.

I walked down the hallway, hoping nobody would talk to me. Maybe it'd be okay for Phillip too, since I know him a bit. Maybe I could make some progress before I get home so dad doesn't get upset.

I looked at the ground as I walked, but made sure I wouldn't run into anyone. I was honestly tired from today, my dad had never put me into a school before. Well, I guess he never did. I had to apply myself since dad was too busy doing whatever shit he does.

I just wish he showed me some kind of affection. No, I am a demon. I don't need any kind of love. I just need to see people miserable. Yes! I won't let anyone hug me again, and I won't ever hug someone back if they do. Maybe dad would be proud of me after I push someone off of me and hopefully hurt them.

Yes! And he maybe would take me to my favorite restaurant in Hell. I haven't been there since I was 5, I hope it'd still be the same. Or better!

I sighed, knowing that wouldn't happen. He's made me give him most of the money I get, even though he did nothing to help me. He'd say, "I get some for raising you" even though he didn't raise me at all. He showed me basic things to do as a kid very vaguely, then I learnt the rest by myself.

I finally looked up, ironic timing, I saw Philip getting made fun of again. By the same group as earlier. Actually, I saw them hurting him a bit. Of course, I didn't care.



What was that?

I'm just hearing shit, that's fine.

I saw them all like pushing him around a bit, kicking him, hitting him. Of course, like I said, I do not care. But to get closer to him, then betray him, I had to help.

I walked, well it was rushed, but I got over there pretty quickly and pulled Philip away from them. I made sure he was distanced from them. I honestly was up for a fight now, and they looked like they were too.

They all had a raged look on their faces as they looked at me, except Kenny. He looked more confused. "What's your problem?" The fat kid said, while glaring at me.

"I told you to leave him alone." I said, glaring right back at him. "Okay new kid, we don't listen to just anyone around here. Right guys?"

All of them nodded, except Kenny, of course. Kenny's face slowly faded to realization, remembering my job. He still looked a bit confused, as I'd never defended any of my targets.

"You're gonna after I beat the shit out of you."

"Try me."

I looked at the fat kid as he spoke, then nodded. "Gladly."

He looked like he was gonna throw a punch, so I waited for him to go first. It didn't take long before he raised his fist and swung at me. His movement was predictable, as I grabbed his wrist once he got close enough.

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